Monday, February 2, 2009

In my own little library

I've think that I've mentioned before that I'm a book addict. I love to read. That's something I inherited from my grandfathers and dad. My cousins hate to read. From all the 6 grandchildren, I'm the only one who can enjoy a good book. Sometimes I just don't understand why some people hate it. Okay, everyone has his own thing to do that he or she likes. But you just need a little imagination and a good book and everything is set. At least, that's what I think.
But I wish we had a room full of books. I think I would be there a lot then. A comfy chair, old bookcases, over a hundred books. That's something I would really want to have in my own house! My own little library. But for now I have to do it with my dads bookcases in his livingroom with 2 comfy chairs. Not so bad, not so bad... But a room full sounds just a little bit better haha.

Here is my outfit! After 2 weeks I finally have my patent patchwork Miu Miu pumps! Oh, they're so pretty! Definitly one of my most beautiful shoes I own. But how can they not be? They're patent, they have patchwork and they're from Miu Miu! And Miu Miu can't do no wrong. And for I forget! I've got bangs!
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Cardigan, H&M
Dress, vintage
Headband, a gift
Tights, Steps
Socks, H&M
Pumps, Miu Miu
Scarf, actually from my mom


  1. Good to see another bookworm in the blogosphere :). Your hair looks great!

  2. Those shoes are beautiful! I love to read too. You outfit is so cute! ;o)

  3. I love your hair!! And the shoes are, again, amazing :)

  4. you are so cute with bangs!! and I am also a book person! love reading, and cannot understand how people can say they don't like to read!!!

  5. Miu Miu shoes are perfect! :)

    xoxo: Janet

  6. Ik hou ook echt van lezen , dikke literatuurboeken enzo. Vind het fijn om er in weg te kruipen.

    Ik wou nog even melden dat ik door jou ook me durf te kleden hoe ik wil , liep k vroeger (nouja nu ook nogwel) op premium nikes , loop ik nu op 10cm lakpeeptoes met n jurkje van The Episode erop.

    Je inspireert me elke dag!

  7. I love to read too :) Not enough people do these days. Lucky girl with your Miu Miu shoes! Lovely hair and outfit.

    lovely photos!

  9. thank you for the comment!

    im a book lover too. i love collecting and reading books. i love also the look of them all stacked together on a shelf :)

    lovely outfit also!
    i robbed a scarf off my mother similar to that one also! they can be trendy enough the old dears! :)

    would you like to exchange links?
    i love your blog!


  10. your pics are wonderful.and your outfit is just darling.
    besides.i also love reading:)

  11. Lovely pictures and concept, so jealous of your Miu Miu pumps!!

  12. bangs look soo good on you and i LOVE your miu miu shoes. beautttiful pictures:)

  13. oehh hele leuke combinatie!
    vooral je schoenen, met die sokjes erboven vind ik super!

    kapper geweest ? toch maar niet laten groeien ?

  14. lol ok judging by your last 4 or 5 posts, we have a slightly similar aesthetic! i like old fashiony stuff.. black and white.... books...

  15. i wish I had a library in my house too ! sadly I don't have one :( beautiful outfit!

  16. great pics :) love the headband!!

    thanks for stopping by

  17. i like the outfit and the shoes look like they should be on a porsilan doll (i like)

    thanks for the comment

  18. I don't know if I like reading. However, I love good books. It's a bit hard to explain.. some people just love reading, and they don't care what it is about. I'm not like that.. If I'm gonna read something, the book must seem very interesting for me.. sometimes I think that I buy a book looking its cover (and that's so bad xD)
    Okay, on the other hand, I really love your shoes, they're amazing :)

  19. Argggh Sam your Miu Miu's are absolutely killing me with their gorgeousness! I've always wanted the black and gold sequin ones. But that remains a pipe dream.

    I love books too! They're my ultimate stranded on a desert island companion. Have you checked out It's like facebook/friendster/myspace but for Books! Tehehe

  20. Thanks for the comment :)
    I love to read!
    It angers me when people say "I hate reading."
    How could you hate reading?!
    Wow a room full of books would be spectacular!
    I would sort them by color, that would be so pretty.

  21. the miu miu pums is fantastic! i'm so jealous ;)

    P.S. i love books too!

  22. You look so pretty, the outfit is wonderful, and the shoes to die for.
    I also really like what you did with your hair. It suits you nicely. I wanted to ask you, 'cause I really like your hair colour, but is your real hair colour a lot darker than this one? I would like my hair to be this colour, but I don't know if it'd be too light.

    Oh, and I love reading too!

  23. You look like a doll wit all the books around you :)

  24. Lovely shoes! shoes + books = win! I think I own quite a lot of books, probably maybe over 100. I am an English Student so I read about a book a week! When I have my own little house I want a whole room just for my books and a little cosy nook to read in.

  25. These images are so well laid-out and beautiful. And that little Peter Rabbit doll is adorable!

  26. wow, you are so pretty like a doll with you blonde hair.

  27. I love your style and your shoes!
    You're so cute!

    xx (from Brazil).

  28. love ur shoes!!! your pics are always amazing!!!

  29. I love reading - the pictures look great!

  30. I've never really been much of a reader, I think I prefer to watch tv instead! My nan calls me 'square eyes' because its all I ever do!
    you look gorgeous! I love your fringe (we call bangs a fringe here!) and them miu miu shoes have taken my breath away! amazing!!


  31. RE: I agree! I woulnd't wear it though ;D

  32. Love books too, although I've not been reading as much as I ought to lately! Oops. These pictures are so cute.

  33. Oh my God!! I love those shoes!! I want those shoes!! I need those shoes!!! arrrhh!!! really beautiful!! And beatiful pictures too! Greetings!!

  34. de boeken van eragon zijn goed hé!
    en ik dacht ook robin hobb te zien staan :p
    verder zijn je schoenen echt adorable!

  35. i love books, too...would love to have my own little mini library. and your miu mius are gorgeous!

  36. these pictures are great!
    i love reading too, i'm really a bookjunkie ;)

  37. Haha I'm totally a book addict too :]

  38. Great pictures! there is something about books in pictures that I just love

  39. i love yur pictures! and ur blog! i'm adding you to my blogroll :D

  40. love all the pictures! super adorable!

  41. i think ppl should wear what they want to.. they should not wear what everyones their age is wearing.. if they don't want to, and thats fine with me, cus that's so typical.. not every kid wears a jeans or a cute dress you know =) anyway great photos ^^

  42. beautiful, can we please share room?

  43. You are so beautiful like your outfit ;)

    these shoes are amazing !!!!!! ( i'm jealous ) :)


  44. I have to say that your style is very unique, I like how you mix vintage and beautiful pieces, as these Miu Miu shoes...:)

  45. @ a cat of impossible colour
    Haha, you can say that again! And thanks!^^

    @ Q's Daydream
    Thank you!^^

    @ Fannah
    Thank you, thank you =]

    @ Raquel
    Aah, thanks! And the same thing. I also can't understand why people don't like to read. But everyone has his own thing that he/she likes, right?

    Thank you! And I couldn't agree more haha

    @ Laine
    Jep, vooral de dikke boeken! Heerlijk als een verhaal lang duurt. Dan kan ik me er nog beter in verdiepen.

    En echt dankjewel! Het is ZO lief dat je dat zegt! Toen ik het las, kreeg ik echt helemaal een glimlach op m'n gezicht!^^ En gewoon blijven dragen wat je leuk vind! En waar je je goed in voelt natuurlijk!

    @ Jade
    Thank you!

    @ Isa

    @ Claire
    I also really love the look to see them stacked together in a shelf. The look of that can make me so happy!

    And you're right! The old dear can be very trendy! My mom wears my old all stars and baggy jeans! How funny is that?

    And I would love to exchange links! I will put you to my links tomorrow and if I forget, would you want to remind me of it? I'm kind of chaotic hehehe...

    @ Aubrey
    Thank you so much!

    @ Emily

    @ Romeika
    Thank you =]

    @ Alice X
    Thanks! I'm really glad with my bangs and Miu's haha.

    @ Jennifer
    Dankje! En oh jawel! Mijn haar gaat lang!

    @ Yvonne
    Really? How funny ^^

    @ Kathryn
    Thank you!

    @ Closeup
    Thanks! And you're welcome haha

    @ Violet
    Thanks! And sometimes I do feel like a porselin doll, so I think they really fit me haha

    @ Nai
    I'm also not like some people that like to read and don't care where to book is about. The subject really has to interest me, otherwise I get bored and put it away. And no! It isn't good to buy a book looking at it's cover haha!x] And for I forget. Thanks!

    @ Ana b
    I had the same feeling when I saw them in the store! And such a shame the black with gold sequins one stays a dream. But maybe the dream comes true! Just think positive! And no, I ahven't checked I will soon! Thanks for the tip!

    @ Sunflower
    You're welcome haha. And I also hate it when people say that, but we can't do anyting about it. It's sometimes kind of stupid if you don't read, because it makes you understand more words. And I think I will sort my books by author.

    @ Cherish_jd
    Thank you!^^

    @ Ariella
    Thanks! My haircolor was darker than yours! I will send you a link where you can see my actual haircolor.

    @ Yigin
    Aah, thank you!^^

    @ Helen
    Thanks! And a book a week.. Wow, I wish I had the time to achieve that! But I'm way to busy with school for that. And yes, a whole room full of books and a comfy and cosy chair to read it on. And not forgetting the tea.

    @ Muchlove
    Thank you! And I absolutely adore my little Peter. I have it since I was a baby

    @Lila Schnee
    Aah, thanks! You should see me with curls. Then I really look like an actual doll!

    @ Lily Zemuner
    Thank you!^^

    Aah, thanks! And I'll try haha

    @ Nadine

    My grandparents also always called me that! Well, when I was about 6/7 years old. I read since I'm 11 or so. And fringe, hmm.. Okay haha. Maybe I will also call it like that now! It sounds so funny! And thank you!^^

    @ Emma B
    Everyone has his own opinion!^^ Nothing wrong with that!

    @ Jen
    Thank you! And sometimes I also don't read for a long time.

    @ Maria G
    Haha, thanks!^^ I had the same thought when I saw them

    @ Siel
    Zeker! Ik ga binnekort beginnen in Brisinger! Maar ik kom daar altijd redelijk moeilijk doorheen. Dat soort boeken moet ik echt op vakantie lezen, anders raak ik teveel afgeleid
    En klopt! Robin Hobb staat er ook tussen!

    Thank you!

    @ Nina
    A mini library sound so good and thank you!

    @ Hippiegirl
    Thanks! A I think the name bookjunkie will suits me too! Haha


    @ In-tree-gue
    Thank you!

    @ Chevy Mae
    Aah, thank you so much!!^^

    Thanks! =]

    @ Merily
    Thanks and a good thing you can't see my dead ends!

    Ofcourse everyone should wear what they want to. Not everything that she wears is too old for her age. But only those incredibly mini dresses! I mean, she only has to bend over and you could see her behind. That can go to far for a 15 year old to my opinion. But that goes to far for everyone. If she doesn't mind I'm also fine with that, but it's only my opinion

    @Chloé mariya
    Thanks and I'm sorry! I would love to keep my room haha. I'm so in love with it since it has changed!

    @ Julia Mode
    Aah, thank you so much!

    @ So
    Unique?! Really? Thanks!^^ I would never thought of my style like that!

  46. hey, thanks for your comment! These are truly beautiful shoes, you are so right about miu miu! I love all their shoes, theyre so gorgeous.

    I really love your blog, it is so pretty!

    Brooke xx

  47. really really nice shots! spes the one with just the books and shoes!

  48. great shoes!!!
    and actually love to read too!

  49. Great shoes!
    I want my own library as well. With one of those old fashion ladder things that slide across the shelves.

  50. Hey Sam,
    Wil je nog wat meer over jezelf vertellen? Bv wat je ouders voor werk doen enz.. en waar jij werkt..? Is wel leuk om wat meer over jou te weten!

  51. @ Brooke
    Thank you!!^^ And I am right about Miu Miu he?! haha. I wish I had all the shoes from Miu Miu

    @ Rachie-Pie
    Thank you!^^

    @ Kelly

    @ Belle
    Thanks! And yes! How could have forgot the ladder?! My grandmother has such kind of thing, but she thinks it's annoying. I think she's crazy haha

    @ Anoniem
    Nou eerlijk gezegd is het nogal saai wat m'n ouders doen qua werk en zelf heb ik geen baantje. M'n opleiding opzich is al een baan qua schooltijden. En soms moet ik ook nog veel werk doen na school, dus heb er nauwelijks tijd voor en ik wil niet in het weekend werken. Want ik ga om het weekend naar m'n vader en wil die niet een dag minder zien, omdat ik hem al zo weinig zie. Snap je?

  52. Wow, such pretty shoes! I would love to own a pair of those beauties but oh well...I'd have to rob a bank haha(someday, I will though! Um...own a pair, not robbing a bank of course :D). And believe me...I am a book freak as well!

  53. Thnx moet ik de vragen gewoon bij de reacties achter laten of moet ik die ergens anders achterlaten?

    ik stuur dan de vragen als ik je antwoord op deze vragen hebt.

  54. They are so beautiful, I wanted them so bad when they first came out... lucky lucky. Also I think I have your rabbit, it was given to me at my Christening!
    And I don't get why people don't enjoy reading, it's one of my favourite things to do without a doubt.

  55. Adorable! You always have such cute photos :).

    Much Love,

  56. your miu miu is just adorable!
    i looove books just like u! i just go crazy in a big book store, so many amazing things to read!
    anyway, cute photos!!

  57. yay for books! im a total bookworm too! not recently, though. i've been so busy and all my free time goes toward blogging and spending time reading other peoples blogs, so I shamefully haven't read much in the past few months. you've inspired me to read now.

  58. Misschien heb ik er over heen gelezen ooit, maar welke opleiding doe je? Zeker iets met mode?
    Ken je de Twilight reeks? Lees je die? De 1e film is nu in de bios maar de boeken zijn veel leuker (zijn nog 3 vervolgen)

  59. Love your pictures! EVERYONE of them! AND ESPECIALLY those with the Bunny in it((:

    Love your hair! AND YOUR SHOES!! OMG~ They are just so so wonderfully pastel!

  60. @ Manja
    Aah, thank you! And don't rob a bank! We don't want you to go to jail haha. Someday you will get a pair!

    @ Aless & Rocio
    Thank you!^^

    @ Kay
    Thank you! And you also have a Peter Rabbit? How funny! I've got mine when I got born.

    @ Carlita
    Aah, thank you so much! And I try haha :p

    @ Vanessa
    Thank you so much!

    @ thedrifterandthegypsy
    I know the feeling! A lot of free time also goes to blogging and reading other peoples blogs. Since about 3 months I'm back to reading again and I try to read in the train, in my 45 min break at school and at night, before I go to sleep

    @ Anoniem
    Oh, je hebt er zeker over heen gelezen ja! Haha. Het staat links boven, bij het 'over mij' stukje. En ik heb wel gehoord van de Twilight reeks. Wou telkens naar de film toe, maar die draaide telkens op baggera filmtijden

    @ Penelope
    Haha, thank you so much for your sweet comment!^^

  61. what a theatrical post! i am such a fool for miu miu shoes, these ones are sooo special!

  62. Oh, I am a book addict. I am trying to cut down so am going to the library more often. Beautiful shoes and I love th hair!

  63. Heee,
    even of dat hoh-stukje:
    ik heb het ook gewoon gepost omdat ik het zelf niks vind, ik probeer er niet anderen mijn mening mee op te dringen ofzo. en als jij het mooi vind, dan waardeer ik dat ook gewoon hoor. het is juist goed dat iedereen zijn eigen smaak heeft toch (: en nu weer ontopic haha,
    supermooie foto's! ik vind echt dat je een superleuke stijl hebt, het past gewoon allemaal super bij elkaar ;D en je schoenencollectie is om van te dromen! zo'n Peter Rabbit konijn heb ik ook gehad toen ik klein was haha. jammer genoeg heb ik geen idee meer waar die is gebeleven. ehm nouja, lang comment :']


  64. i love those shoes!! how cute with the little ruffle thing at the top! and i love your bangs! i want to cut mine like that when my hair gets a little bit longer. they look great on you!



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