Sunday, June 14, 2009

Room got changed without permission

Argh, I'm so tired and so sick of school. I just want to do nothing and I want to go to Italy. Seriously, this being tired thing makes me way too lazy. I have some emails I have to get back to, I have soooo many sweet comments I have to get back to and more things I have to get back to! I haven't seen my boyfriend in almost 2 weeks now, maybe longer, maybe shorter, can't remember. And I miss him. I haven't made an outfit shot in 2 weeks now. 2 weeks and a day to be precise. I really liked my internship, but it ruined my daily routine. Hopefully it's coming back now my internship is over!

But right now, I'm sitting at my deskchair with my laptop (I'm at my dads at the moment) typing this really slowly, because I keep staring at my room. My dad changed it without my permission. Seriously. My walls aren't that bright yellow anymore... I'm not sure if I even like it. I miss my bright yellow walls, I miss the happy atmosphere. Now it feels like I'm on holiday in some little fancy hotel and that I got the room at the attic... It feels like it doesn't fit my personality. Oh, well, I'll just show it to you. Here are some pictures. And just so you know, I think it's really sweet that my dad changed it to make me happy and I don't mean this as a complaining post. But it is my room, my thing and then someone changed it. And he meant it really good, I really know that, and I don't want to look like I'm some unthankful bitch. I just don't know what I have to think about it, because I really loved my room how it was.

Click on the pictures to enlarge. And don't pay attention to my cabinets on the left, still have to change some things. And don't mind the shoe collection that I brought with me. Being tired makes me not thinking straight and then I bring a whole lot of things with me. Like I'm going on a holiday for a month.

Still have to change my deskchair, so also don't pay attention to that. So what do you think?


  1. ik vind het mooi, maar mijn kamer is ook heel belangrijk voor me, dus ik begrijp je goed. maar zoals je al zei; ik denk dat je echt heel dankbaar mag zijn met je vader, maar misschien moet je het er gewoon even met hem over hebben, dat ie het in het gevolg wat anders aanpakt.
    ik hoop dat je je er toch een beetje thuis gaat voelen!

  2. ik vind het juist heel mooi, maar ik ben ook heel erg te vinden voor licht pastele gele kleuren!
    En ik begrijp ook dat je een beetje teleurgesteld bent, hoe lief het ook bedoeld was van hem, het is toch nog altijd jouw kamer. Ik beschouw mijn kamer ook als de plek die mij gelukkig maakt, waar ik me thuis voel.
    bijna vakantie!!!!

  3. Ik vind je kamer echt mooi! Ik ben echt jaloers op je meubelstukken! goh, ik ben echt een fan van dit soort meubelen! Kan je mij misschien wat winkeltjes geven waar jij je meubels koopt? Zou ik heel tof vinden :)
    Ziet er echt heel leuk uit!

  4. I would be annoyed too, if someone just changed something of mine without me knowing of it. But I do think your room looks really pretty! What else did he change except for the walls, then?

  5. That room is adorable!

  6. I really like your room - it looks so romantic :).

  7. I would be thrilled to have such a gorgeous room! I love it.

  8. well, although i do think the subtle colour does gives the room a more calming effect, but the brighter yellow room looks more quirky and funky. maybe your father think that you are gentle sweet gal therefore the change to pastel colours?

  9. the room is so sweet:) kinda pisses you off when somebody does a change without asking yoiu first.especially when it's about your space.

  10. The room looks so cute! But know what you mean with someone changing something that;s yours without your permission :*

  11. ik vind het supermooi!! maar ik snap het wel dat je je er (nog) niet lekker bij voelt. :)

  12. aww thats sweet of him in one way! and it looks very romantic!
    BUT yes i most definately would not be pleased with someone changing the wall color in my bedroom! ahh! thats pretty crazy!!
    why did he think of doing that?? had you said something about wanting to redo your room?

  13. Great change! I love your romantic-style furniture :)


  14. Leuke kamer heb jij zeg!



  15. Jij hebt gewoon echt de perfecte kamer! Ik vind mijn kamer ook super en hij is ook erg belangrijk voor mij, dus ik snap wel je punt!

    xx Rebecca

  16. Leuke blog!
    Kom je ook eens langs?


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