Friday, July 31, 2009

The winner of the favorite outfit contest

So finally I'm going to announce the winner of the favorite outfit contest!
And that girl is...
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And here is an interview with the lovely girl!

Tell us something about yourself
My name is Ariella, I'm 24 and I live in a boring city in northern Norway. I am about to start my writing my master thesis in pedagogics and English, and after that I'll be moving away from here! My interests include, other than fashion, photography, travelling, watching films, reading, spending time with friends, going for walks, learning new things, and cooking.
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What does fashion and beautiful clothes mean to you?
A lot, I'd say. I love being able to express myself through the way that I dress. I am also quite attached to all my clothes, and I love the feeling I get from dressing up in pretty clothes and liking the way I look - I feel tremendously empowered, and it brightens my mood in every way. This may sound superficial, but I can't help it.
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How would you describe your personal style?
Very feminine, girly, romantic... I nearly always wear dresses, skirts, pretty blouses and cardigans. I really like vintage or vintage/retro inspired fashion as well.
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Which item in your closet couldn’t you live without?
Definitely most of my dresses and my coats, but I suppose most of it, since I am quite attached to everything, like I said.
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For what piece of clothing that hangs in your closet, do you feel the most ashamed of?
Hm, I don't think I am ashamed of anything. I put a lot of thought into everything I buy, and my closet consists of clothes that I love... oh, wait! My "work clothes". Those are just regular clothes that are old and that I wouldn't dream of wearing anymore. I just don't want to spoil my other, pretty clothes at work (I work part time taking care of elderly people), so I just have to have this division. It's funny, because people who would see me in my "work clothes" probably couldn't imagine that I dress the way I do outside of work.
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Do you often have miss-buys or do you wear everything you buy?
Very rarely anymore. I try not to buy anything unless I am sure that I love it and that I wouldn't be able to pass it up. I never buy things when I just think "oh, this could probably work" or "this might look nice" because I would get tired of it within weeks or months, and I want my closet to consist of quality pieces that I'll love and cherish for years. I think that's a very important thing if you want to create a wardrobe (unless you like throwaway fashion) as so many people don't put a lot of thought into their purchases.

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Did you ever have the feeling you wanted to fit in as for clothing, because you don’t look like the average person you see walking on the street? I don't think so. Maybe when I was younger, but then I didn't stick out much anyway, so that wasn't really an issue then. 90% of the time I feel very comfortable with what I wear.
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Did you ever had unpleasant comments on your clothing, and if so, how did/do you deal with it? Not that I can think of (though maybe in other languages when travelling, but I wouldn't know that!), but I often get stares. I think people around here are too reserved to say anything at all - even if they do like it. As for the stares, they don't really bother me because they usually come from people with absolutely no style at all. I know that I dress so much better than them, so I've got nothing to feel distraught of or embarrassed by.
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Maybe tips for the people who want to wear their own style, but are afraid? I can relate to this being difficult for many people, especially when you're a teenager (I wanted to dress differently when I was in high school, but the thought of what other people might think stopped me). I think the key is to subtly add bits and pieces of your own style, get comfortable with that, and then add more. You'll end up feeling more confident to dress the way you want and before you know it you'll be dressing the way you've always wanted to!

What is your favorite trend right now?
To be honest, I am not very trend driven, at least not consciously, but I think flapper dresses and swingy knee length skirts are gorgeous. And I am very excited for capes this winter!
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Which trend do you think is awful?
I wouldn't consider it a trend anymore, but I think leggings are awful - they hardly look good on anyone. I also think the half shaved head look is absolutely dreadful.

Do you have a fashion-icon? Or a website where you get inspiration?
I am mostly inspired by other bloggers, such as Sandra, Alix, Aya, as well as others, films, magazines, what I see around me, and Blair Waldorf.

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What would you never, but then also never wear on the fashion area? Leggings, jean skirts, jean jackets, anything scenester, and anything bimboish, sluttish and tacky.
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Is there something you would like to say to the people who read this? Don't be afraid to dress the way you want to, try out new styles... after all, we're only young once and it's sad to waste that time not being able to express yourself in the way we want to.

Ariella, thank you that you entered the contest and now answered my questions! I really enjoyed this and I like that I learned more about you! Hope everyone else also enjoys this :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

This was just another day without you

So finally! A new outfit. It isn't the most interesting outfit ever, but I like it. I wore this before I went to Italy. That might explain my incredibly pale skin. That I miss a bit, since I did got a little tan. Evi and I are calling my skintone now beige. Yes, I'm beige. Not brown, but beige. Cool huh?

Some of you asked me if I could tell how Harry Potter was and I have to be honest. I didn't liked it. I'm really critical when it comes to films. Especially when the film is based on a book I read. It was more a lovestory than an exciting film. And also the end pretty much sucked. There wasn't a funeral! There was in the book. But all with all there was something funny while we were watching the film. At the part that Harry is getting something to kill Voldemort with Dumbledore he has to get water for Dumbledore. And he does that in some kind of lake with creepy things in it. Living body's or something... No, not zombies. While he gets water from the lake a creepy thing grabs his hand. But then on a way that the entire hall got scared. And I don't get scared easily. Boyfriend does his very best to scare me, but he can't accomplish his mission. Except for one time, but that was just plain mean (story for an other time ;) ). But while that creepy thing grabs Harry's hand suddenly, the entire hall got scared. And also Jeanette, friend of the family. I didn't got scared of the creepy hand, but I did got scared from my grandmothers hand that suddenly grabed my leg (who was sitting next to me) who got scared from Jeanette's reaction! It was a massive chain reaction, because my dad got scared from me and his neighboors got scared from him! Oh man, I'm never going to watch another film like this with Jeanette! No, just joking haha.

Now the outfit! With my lovely hat and dress that I already own for what is it? 2 years I believe. It's timeless!
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M by M dress
Vintage hat from the ILV Temporary Boutique
Necklace from the Ilv Temporary Boutique
Stella McCartney wedges

Italy, Iseo: at the camping

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The little blue tent was my room in Italy
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Nothing too interesing yet. But there will be photos of the village, when we went out for diner, Venice and more!

(Before) Italy purchases

Before Italy I got some new things and when I was in Italy I got again new things. Wasn't my intention, since I was saving for London. I couldn't resist. But since I did spended some money, I better show what I got, instead of keep writing. So here are the new purchases.

A jeans short I got in a store in Iseo. I went to that store when my mom and I were shopping together. It's a bit to big around the waist, but I can adjust that. A size smaller would have been too small for my legs.
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Got this dress in a very big mall in Rovato. First I wasn't sure if I really wanted it, because of the price (saving for London ofcourse), but at the end I liked it too much. The dress is from Max & Co.
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Another new dress from See by Chloé. Got this beautiful colourful one before I went to Italy. The first time that I saw it, my size wasn't there anymore. And after some months I went back to the store when there was sale. And gues what! My size was there, while there was sale. It was meant to be, right?
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And as last for this post, my new V&R wedges!
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Still no photos... Sorry! But there are promises

As the title says, still no photos. I have the camera, but no time. Yesterday evening I was away and now I'm going to watch a movie with my dad! Now I'm going to make some promises. I swear it on my favorite shoes that I will do it. Here are they:
  • I'm going to post tomorrow a new outfit
  • I'm also going to post photos of Italy, Iseo
  • And some of my new purchases (which also includes new Viktor & Rolf wedges I got today in the sale (70% off!!))
  • I'm going to announce the winner of the favorite outfit contest soon! And there will be an interview with that lovely girl
Now I'm off to watch a movie with my dad and with some tea and cookies!
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm back in The Netherlands! I'm at my dads now and sitting behind my laptop (without the beautiful scenery ofcourse... Such a shame). At the end everything worked out okay with the fights and troubles. I don't have my camera here, because my mom has it and she's still on her way back. Evi and I went by plain, because there wasn't room in the car for us... I'm going to get it tomorrow when she's home and I hope I can show some photos tomorrow evening!

I'm really happy that everything worked out alright at the end^^ There were some parts that were hard, but you can learn from situations like that, right? Now I'm off to enjoy my sushi and then I'm going to the cinema to watch Harry Potter 6!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One day left

I only have to survive today and I'll be off tomorrow! Not that it's going to be hard, I think. Yesterday just sucked. It was awful and horrible, but everything is cool now, I think. But I still want to go home. I want my own bed, a clean shower + toilet and no crying children. I am going to miss the weather though. And the scenery. But I'm gonna go now! Want to finish my book before tomorrow! Ciao belle!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still on vacation

Not sure if I still like it on vacation. Wait. Something just happend between me and Tom (moms boyfriend) and now I really want to go home. Not going to tell what happend or with who, because that person probably will read it. Great, it's my own personal blog and I can't even write my feelings off. Can't reach boyfriend while I really really need him right now, had a fight yesterday evening with 3 adults because they can't understand me (I think they don't even want to understand me and every thing that I say is wrong) and I'm constantly feeling alone and like I'm the fifth weel on the wagon. The only person who understands me is my mom. Fucking vacation. Can't stop crying and feeling alone. After today I only have to be here one whole day and I'll be going home this friday. Can't wait...

Two things to look forward to. I'll be seeing my dad friday and saturday we're going to eat sushi and we're going to Harry Potter 6! That's how my vacation should be. I'm going to stay at my dads for about 2 weeks! That is going to be a lovely time, even though my dad and I aren't the easiest persons to live with. Can't help it that I'm so much alike him...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Italy, Iseo

I told about a week ago that I went to Italy last monday and now I am in Italy! With the lovely Evi who just got back from a shower and said that she couldn't get my mascara from her eyelashes. So I'm sitting here half in the sun, a bit sun burned (a part of my lower arm and my hands, so it looks like I'm wearing red gloves. Bit strange) looking at a lake and some amazing mountains. The scenery is still gorgeous after 11 years. How can it not be? I'm glad I'm back here again. I'm not going to post that much though, because I'm just not feeling like sitting behind a computer. Or in this case a laptop.

Now I'm going to tell what I did past 4 days. Monday when we arrived (we were here at about 2:30 in the afternoon) we ate something first. We were absolutely starving! After that Evi and I putted on our bikini's and went with Alex (a friend of mine since I was 5. We kind have a love/hate affair) on a little boat trip. His little boat that has 9 HP (PK?). We went on a cruise on the lake. Oh, I missed that! We went for a swim in the middle of the lake (almost the biggest lake of Italy. Lago di'Iseo!) and had some problems to get back in the boat. In the evening we went out for diner. First I had some melon with ham and after that I had a pizza Parma. Delicious. Got a tasty icecream after it and some cocktails.

Tuesday I was incredibly moody and tired. Too many cocktails I think (I usually don't drink, so I'm not used to it). First we had breakfast and after breakfast I took a little nap. That was good for me, because after that I wasn't tired anymore! We again had a boattrip, but this time we were away for about 1,5 hour. We were lazy that day and didn't do anything exited.

Wednesday started as a rainy day. When I woke up I heard the raindrops falling on my tent. Not that hard at first. Went to my moms tent (way bigger) and sat there for an hour or so, because it rained really hard. When it stopped Evi and I went into Iseo. Shopping ofcourse! She bought the cutest little dress and I a green short and 2 sleeveless blouses. A blue one with ruffles and a white one with roses. When we got back we asked if we could go to the Outlet Centre. There was a Fornarina store! Everything from last summer and so much discount! Yes, we bought a lot of stuff! I purchased 7 items and Evi about 6 and a pair of lovely shoes. After that we got back to the camping and took a dive into the lake and after that we ate our diner. Wich was horrible by they way... It was really nasty! Sticky nasi. After diner we got ready to go out. The beginning of going out wasy fun. The end sucked to my opinion.

Can't tell about today, because the battery is empty! You can still vote! Till an other day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

The top 10!

This was really really hard to choose. Seriously. I'm also feeling like a mean girl that I can't choose everyone. And everyone have sended in beautiful outfits! They were all really pretty! If it comes up to me everyone would be posted here with their outfit! But that isn't really fair and the intention. But there is such a funny thing, you're all so cute!Seriously, I have so many cute readers! ^^

But I came up with a top 10. I said I wouldn't let my personal taste get in the way while choosing a top 10. And I didn't, really. I choose the ones that have a good photo, so you can see everything properly without the thought 'what is that..?'. I looked if the outfit fitted the person, if it didn't looked 'made'. Ofcourse I can't be sure if it fits the person, but I judge from what I can see.

Please don't be mad at me if your favorite outfit didn't made it here. I still really liked it!

I know looking at it is fun, but please, don't forget to vote! The girl with the most votes will be posted here on my blog with more photos of her style and some questions that she answered!
So seriously, don't forget it!


I don't care if you're in a hurry, just type the number of the girl you like the most in the commentbox and send it! I don't care if you don't speak English, just vote! How do you mean I want all of you to vote? Just do it!

Yes, now, FINALLY, the top 10 is going to be posted!

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Number 1 is Yishyene!
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Number 2 is Cait!
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Number 3 is Heleen!
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Number 4 is Suzanne!
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Number 5 is Anja
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Number 6 is Aisling!
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Number 7 is Ariella!
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Number 8 is Lily!
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Number 9 is Sarah!
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Number 10 is Eli!

That was the top 10 and now VOTE!!! =D

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

She knew all the secrets in her world

There is one thing I can get incredibly annoyed by. No, not negative comments on my blog. Even though they're also pretty annoying. But not that annoying as this. You can find me frequently on this site called I like some of the articles and especially when there's an interview with a girl who has developed her own style. Or is busy with it, but you can see it's who she is. And I really enjoy reading that, even though it isn't my style. Everyone has his own opinions and things that he/she likes. But in some way there are ALWAYS girls who have to be negative. And not negative in the way like 'oh, I don't like it'. But just mean. Like this: 'Iew, she's ugly and you're so crazy when you are dressing like this'. Like get a fucking life! Excuse my language. Fine, you can say you don't like it. Still not fun to read, but if you do need to say something negative about something or someone, seriously, say it decently. Not rude. And I know some girls from that site read my blog and if you feel like I'm talking to you, you know you said something like that to a girl. In person or on the internet. That doesn't matter. But you did.

And now I'm in great form to talk about negative comments, I want to say another thing about it. In september I also did an interview like that for Girlscene. If you're curious to it, you can read it here. I said that I'm really not a fan of Nike's. Especially not the bright coloured ones, but they can do look good on other people. And suddenly I was an 'ugly cancer whore' (wasn't commented on girlscene, but on my blog referring to what I said in the interview on girlscene) and that I looked 'trashy' and so go on. Yes, I wear high heels and I love them. And yes, I wear bustiers as a top, but that doesn't mean I'm trashy or that I look like whore. I really CAN'T stand girls like these where I'm referring to! Like everyone should walk in the things they like. And the reactions on my interview weren't even that bad. You should read some other interviews and then the comments. It's ridiculous how bitchy (and that is softly pronounced) girls can be. And I don't want to accuse annyone, but I'm not going to say sorry about what I said, because I know there (like every girl who reads this) are girls who are acting this pathetic.

And for the ones who are thinking that I said that you can't say anything negative. I think you can say negative things, but if you need to say it, say it decently!

So, glad that's out, haha!
Evi was here in the afternoon and a part of the evening and like always we had so much fun! It was our intention to go to Ice Age 3, but due to an incrediby long line we went shopping instead. Not really shopping, shopping, but just things we needed. I got myself a pair of black high-waisted shorts, a frilly top (both from H&M) and a pair of heart shaped sunglasses. Back home we ate Ben and Jerry's icecream. That stuff is too good. We also made some photos. Evi sang constant 'MEGA MINDY!' and I couldn't stop laughing, because she acted so crazy. Help me to remember. Don't give Evi icecream. It's not good for her. After that we sang the song 'De Mosselman' (The Musselman, a very old Dutch song) and we also danced on it. And I'm seeing her again this sunday and than we're going to Italy together!!!!!!!! AAAH! CAN'T WAIT! Here are the photos we made!
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We got the same sunglasses! I'm also wearing my new shirt and high-waisted shorts.
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Excuse me for this face. Couldn't resist to act like this.
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