Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh dear..

At first. I'm in London and I have internet! Hurray! Didn't made photos yet, but tomorrow I will. I think... The weather was nice when we arrived and when we were in the hotel. Then we went to Harrods and when we went back to the hotel it was raining cats and dogs! Too wet. Glad I was wearing a hat! And now a little hmm.. How can I call it? A little thing I'm doubting about!

I hate situations like this, even though the choices aren't bad! They really aren't. It's just I never can't decide what I want best. And this time it's about.. You can already gues it. Shoes!
These are my choices:
- Get a pair of wonderful (absolutely amazing I must add) black studded Miu Miu boots (the same as Jane from Sea of Shoes has) and some clothes
- Yes, or.... Also beautiful and amazing Chanel booties! But that will mean no clothes. Or something else. And I won't mind! Ofcourse I won't mind. Those are seriously amazing. They give me the 'I need them!!!' feeling. But it is that I saved a lot money to buy here clothes I could never buy in The Netherlands!

So I'm doubting a lot about it what I can choose best. And I don't want to be show-off writing this here. I can't believe I actually need to write it here, because otherwise I would get comments about it. Oh well, I can sleep a night about! Hopefully till tomorrow!


Leaa said...

mmmh.. well can't you order the Chanel boots from the I-net? Then you can buy clothes (+Miu MIu boots) and later on.. when you come back and save a bit.. you can buy the chanel boots! ^^

Have a great time in London!

Dodo said...

Hmm, this may sound stupid but...which one has a bigger posibility to be bought later? Als de 1 redelijk exclusief is en de ander toch makkelijker verkrijgbaar...
Succes met kiezen! ;)

jennifer Jacobs/Smurfkuh said...

Ik ben benieuwt wat je gaat kopen. Harrods is gewoon geweldig!

Veel plezier noG!

minteva said...

which chanel bootieS? i would probably get the miu miu's though, they are AMAZING + you get clothes too!

Marmelindela said...

Though choice! Ik zou ze ook allebei wel willen hebben. Maar ik denk dat je sowieso wel die Chanel laarsjes zou kunnen bestellen toch? Dan kun je nu beter voor die Miu Miu's gaan zodat je nog wat kleding erbij kunt kopen. Man wat ben ik jaloers. Enneuh, even voor de duidelijkheid, het gaat hier om de chanellaarsjes met de strikjes erop toch? Geniale schoenen. Veel geluk.

Anonymous said...

Ja het helpt als we weten hoe ze eruit zien ;)

Kati said...

Yeah. when I went home yesterday I was totally wet! The rain here in London is sometimes very bad (especially when you forget your umbrella)...

Cup Of Kitten Tea said...

Buy clothes! chanel and miu miu can be brought anywhere xo go to camden and find some treats

Sam said...

I already made a decision! Thanks for the tips everyone!^^

@ Marmelindela
Het waren inderdaad de chanellaarsjes met de strikjes er op! Maar omdat ze zo prijzig zijn twijfelde ik enorm. Maar ben er al uit! ;) Wat het is geworden kan je snel zien!

Siel said...

I shoud go for the first one, they're really amaazing!

Tanya said...

Wauw.. die chanellaarsjes met de strikjes.. dat zijn echt mijn droomschoenen.. wist niet dat het die waren anders had ik die zeker genomen.. hoe duur zijn ze?