Last week at school I wore jeans and everyone was 'ooh, you're wearing jeans!' and the next day I wore a dress again and everyone was 'I think that's more you, isn't it?'. And honestly it wasn't. I felted more myself in the jeans that I wore the day before. Everyone is assuming that I'm more myself in a dress. That's not the case. People change. I do still love dresses, but at the moment I'm just addicted to these Zara pants and my black Nudie. But enough writing! Otherwise it's getting too much.
This is what I was wearing, still am actually, today. Wore my Miu Miu spectator pumps again. Rarely wear them, because they're a tat too small. Such a shame.
And thank you dad for making these photo's!

My dad said here: 'let me see how strong you are!'.

H&M lace jacket
Topshop cropped floral lace top
Zara high waisted pants
Miu Miu spectator pumps
Marc by Marc Jacobs bag
Dahlia bird necklace
Owlnecklace from Camden Market
Topshop cropped floral lace top
Zara high waisted pants
Miu Miu spectator pumps
Marc by Marc Jacobs bag
Dahlia bird necklace
Owlnecklace from Camden Market
And my outfit from yesterday. Lame shots, I know, I know... Sorry!

H&M lace jacket (it goes with everything!)
Zara top
Nudie skinny jeans
Blue Vintage belt
Topshop booties
And the standard necklaces!
And do not forget, you can still enter the giveaway here! It's open till friday.
Zara top
Nudie skinny jeans
Blue Vintage belt
Topshop booties
And the standard necklaces!
And do not forget, you can still enter the giveaway here! It's open till friday.
Beautiful Outfits!
I got the same Lace´s gorgeous!
lovely outfits :)
die schoentjes bij je onderste outfit zijn echt geweldig!
That's so funny! A few weeks ago when it was still cold I wore jeans and my old converse to school. Earlier that day I received a text from a friend that said "Now I know what was different about you today... You wore jeans!"
However I don't really like jeans that much but I have a pair of Zara trouses I love!
chicken powerrrr! haha.
geweldige outfits, en die schoenen zijn echt super! :D
i love how you wear pants, i always feel that they're a bit more boring than skirts or dresses but not on you!
I really dont understand why you didnt like pants before!! you look great on them!! the outfit are simply lovely and I really like the location. is it somewhere close to your home?
Hele leuke outfits! Broeken staan je ook super!
Haha, ik ben ook zo, ik draag 90 % van de tijd kleedjes e.d. en wanneer ik eens een broek draag is iedereen heel verbaasd! Maar zo'n broek als je nu aan hebt is echt supermooi met hakken enzo, flatteert gewoon super! Die outfit is heel cool, het topje matcht zo goed met je haar en dat kanten vestje blijft heel cool! Ik ben zo jaloers op al je schoenen !xx
Chicken power!! :D Je vader is een goede fotograaf! En je outfits zijn geweldig, kleuren mooi bij je haar!
you look great in pants, i love the way you matched them with the shirt and jacket :)
Hay dear blogger!
How are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! He's lovely.
Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
Love, Cindy.
Mooie outfits!
Ooh, nice trousers! I like! People always are really surprised when I wear trousers, but sometimes it just feels right!
You look fabulous in pants, skirts, AND dresses! Wear whatever you want, because you're always going to look great. Don't listen to what anyone else says. To me, style changes daily. I consider my "style" to be however I feel that morning when I wake up. If I feel girly, I wear a dress. If I want to be comfortable, I wear pants. If I want to be both, I dress up pants or wear a comfy dress. Possibilities are endless and so is your creativity! Do what you want! :) Keep it up. Love the blog!
<3 KP
Well you look good wearing pants or dresses and I'm sure people can't expect you to wear dresses for the rest of your life :)
You look great.
ik zei het ook al op girlscene, ik vind je broek echt geweldig!! van zara toch?
if i had them trousers, i would never wear dresses again! so gorgeous!
love your blog.
emma xo
Die zara broek heb ik ook gepast! Staat je echt super, ik ben ook echt verliefd op je miu miu pumps, wat een beauties!
Allebei heel leuke outfits!
Hello beautiful!
Let me say that, when i saw the photo made by your dad when you're with the back at us, i thought it is a scene from a movie.Love your outfit(s).I don't think i could say about a person that he is more "him" in a certain type of clothes.People chnge.I, for one, dress accordingly to my mood.So it is nice to see you in are still cute and stylish.Wear what you feel,you can not always stick to dresses and skirts(not that they aren't adorable)...oh, how i wish to have your closet:)happy week!
Geweldige lace jacket! En die spectator pumps, wow!
so gorgeous
wow you look beautiful:)
Other blog's
Girl, you are pulling off those pants! ^^
Geweldig hoe je die broeken combineert =)
Super!! Ik wist niet dat je een blog had! Haha, lekker stom! Maar ik volg je! :)
youre so wonderfull. i follow. i looove your style
heb ook net je blog ontdekt ^^
naomi hier van fashionvictims ;D
ik ga je zeker volgen
btw, zo nice dat je pa dan ook nog ees je foto's trekt ! ^^
groetjess x
I think it's because pants are usually ugly! I feel like they're finally making prettier pants!
Aww die eerste foto is zo ontzettend pretty! En ik krijg de laatste tijd echt ook zo'n zin om broeken te dragen! Ze staan je echt goed! Alleen ik ben bang dat ik een beetje te lui ben om ze in te korten, ik heb van die korte beentjes haha. Je hebt ook echt altijd de beste schoenen ooit hè?
En nog heel erg bedankt voor je reactie op mijn emo-post, dat was heel lief! <3
Thank you all so much for the great and amazingly sweet comments!
wauw, mooie foto's!
ik ben echt verliéfd op de bovenste broek!
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