I'm going to London with my mom next week and I'm very exited to go. Especially because it will be my mom's first time in London, so I can show her everything. And of course there will be shopping. One of the main things I like to do when I'm there. I've made a wishlist with the items I'm going to try to get my hands on.


These Topshop booties and brogues

And some things by Dahlia

Aah creepers zijn zo leuk!! Ik probeer nogsteeds een paar te bemachtigen maar elke keer vind ik ze toch net iets te duur :/ Denk dat je ze in Camden Town sowieso wel ergens op de kop kan tikken!! Heel veel plezier daar en ik ben benieuwd waar je mee terug komt ;)
I love the colors and images. Clothes are very original.
Have fun in London, and good luck finding everything on your shopping list! I love the Creepers- I've wanted a pair just like that since I was in high school!
Absolutely love your blog.
Hope it carries on for many years.
Always believe in yourself <3
Die laatste jurk & die dahlia rok zijn echt prachtig!
ohhh yeah, I'm sooo in love with all this Dahlia Stuff...sooo lovely...
Ik woon sinds september in londen.. I love it! Wie weet kom ik je tegen!
Except for the creepers I think you made really good choices. They don't seem to suit your style like it was shown on these blog, but sadly you don't do much outfit posts anymore. I'd be glad to see you back on here.
Like everything... except for the creepers, but I would like to see how you style them - maybe they work out!
The Poppi dress is on my list aswell.. even though I'm possessed with another addiction at the mom :x
Like your blog a lot... would love to see more stuff made by yourself :D
nice blog....
following u..
if u want have a look at mine and if u like it follow back!
Ik vind alles leuk, behalve die creepers vind ik maar niks :)
Loving the Creeper shoes. Lil advise: don't go looking for them in Camden as I did and there was a three month waiting list. Head to a shoe shop like Office, Schuh or Urban Outfitters where they stock them for us girls.
Hope you have many a fun time exploring and shopping :)
i love healed brogues x
Mooie blog heb jij zeg! I'm impressed :)
Have fun, girl! Succes met vinden wat je zoekt!
Ik denk dat je nu al wel geweest bent, was het leuk? (:
en dat laatste jurkje is zooo lief, die wil ik ook wel ^^
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