Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New in

Here are the new items I've gotten recently including birthday presents (meaning shoes!). I was actually planning to post this sooner, but hey, sometimes you just can't! Now I need to do something for my blog, that I can hopefully show you this Friday. The weather just needs to cooperate with me, which till now doesn't!
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Urban Outfitters satchel, Pins and Needles cream lace dress, Jeffrey Campbell Lita's and lace-up cut-out wedges, Cooperative bird cage skirt and yellow lace blouse, Staring At Stars cardigan and Vaudeville & Burlesque striped dress.
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I'm so happy with the Jeffrey Campbell Lita's! Finally I managed to get my hands on them after 2 years of searching. I actually wanted them in black, but it never seems meant to be. Anyhow, I don't mind that they're not black, because I still adore them!

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I got this 'Wreck this Journal' from my boyfriend for my birthday with the intention to make me less of a perfectionist. I can't sketch when I'm drawing, it has to be detailed right away.

And now more shoes... I've got a bit out of control.
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Asos platform t-bar sandals.
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Dolce Vita lace up booties.


Irene said...

great great items!
And the wreck the journal is great!
xoxo irene

Noemi said...

Zwarte Lita's zijn gewoon te koop bij Zalando! said...

Love that bag, darling Sam!

Dodo said...

Zitten echt mooie dingetjes tussen! Vooral de rode JC laarsjes!!

Sam said...

Thank you all!

@ Noemi
Ja, klopt, maar die zijn lakleer en dat vind ik vreselijk lelijk :p Plus ik vind de prijzen bij Zalando veel te duur, omdat ik de mijne voor veel minder heb! Ik had ook is een prijsvergelijking gedaan met Zalando en een andere onlinestore en het scheelde voor exact dezelfde schoenen €90,-! En de andere onlinestore was gewoon Europees, dus geen invoerrechten. Maar in ieder geval bedankt voor de tip ;)


This yellow blouse is very beautiful!!


zrno radosti said...

So much shoes! You are so lucky! Give me one pair. :DDD And yellow blouse is wonderful. :)

Sadie said...

You got some amazing things for your birthday! I love them all!! I've been lusting after those ASOS platforms for ages but they were sold out when I tried to get them! :) xx

jennifer said...

You have such good taste in shoes! And that satchel is gorgeous x

Jamie Rose said...

Everything you got is wonderful! All the shoes! I'd love to wear any of them.

Anonymous said...

You got so many lovely things. I love the litas. I have wanted some but they don't make them in my size. I also love the wedge boots. I bet they're comfortable.

<3 Rachel

menina elegante said...

Your lita's are so cute! :) x

Unknown said...

Wow, so many new shoes! :D I could never walk in them but they look chic for sure!

Corina said...

Great!!! Loved!!! Great choices!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm so jealous. Those Lita's are wonderfull <3

Baby Budget Blog said...

Ooooh, lots of goodies!!

Ly said...

I love your picks! I've been wanting JC shoes for a long time too but still have yet to take the dive.


Paula said...

wow, great buys! You´ve got lovely taste, I especially like the shoes!


perfect hippie said...

Echt allemaal heel erg mooi!

Nynke said...

Ik vind het juist wel leuk dat deze Lita's niet zwart zijn! Dat maakt ze nog bijzonderder dan de zwarte vind ik :D Echt mooie spullen heb je gekocht/gekregen <3

Bianca said...

Ooh je schoenen! Ze zijn echt allemaal mooi! En je kleren ook trouwens en je tas, haha! Wreck this journal is heel leuk, maar wel moeilijk als je heel perfectionistisch bent. :p

x Bianca

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

ooh, lovely! the two blouses are gorgeous, love the wedge boots too.


Berni and Pauli said...

Congratulations on those lovely finds! The pattern on that skirt is so unique and eye-catching. Cannot wait to see how the outfits turn out!


i love love love the bag and asos shoes!


the creation of beauty is art. said...

That journal is awesome, and your shoes are fantastic! You got some amazing things!



xx pretty,

Carolyn said...

Love the shoes!

Wild Flower said...

What wonderful things girly! I absolutely love all those shoes, especially the last one, those wedges are killer!


meeeh said...

I love all these shoes so much! =)
And your hair! I'm so in love with your hair hehe =)

Thanks for your visit!

Love, pi*

Miss Aggie Kwong said...

so many lovely finds!

Follow me on:
Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion

Stephanie said...

these things are great!!!
my last post is a "new in" post, too ;D

lapetiteblonde said...

love your boots!!
kisses pretty and have a nice day=)

thestyleflux said...

All are such amazing items!! gotta love those shoesss!

Fashion Blogger

rachel s said...

no such thing as being out of control with shoes... i see you're a JC fan like myself!


Fabrizia Spinelli said...

Such a greta collection of cool shoes! Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

Cosa mi metto???

EvelineVl said...

leuke schoenen!
Mag ik vragen van welke online shop je de lita's van Jeffrey Campbell hebt? En ook of de schoenen van asos in het echt ook erg lijken op de foxy van Jeffrey Campbell? Dankje!

Anonymous said...

pretty plus edgy, there's an echo you have wonderful taste. we have uo in the us but mainly in college towns or larger cities. really love it all, the birdcage skirt and the lacy things especially


Wonderful pieces and colours for fall, the platforms are amazing!x

molly said...

Omg I love all your shoes :) I love Lita's and still haven't got my hands on a pair so i'm very very jealous.

Simona said...

Wow amazing birthday presents!
Love them.
You´re great :)
I´m following your blog now can you be so glad and follow me back please?
I´ll really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Everything is so pretty! Would't mind having the Lita's and the birdcage-skirt myself, haha. Well done!

M.rolez said...

really in love with your blog !! love lita shoes L
xoxo from spain love

Rach said...

I love all of these items! especially the shoes!!

Rebecca said...

So many lust-worthy shoes! I quite like the Litas in that colour, black can get a bit repetitive at times.

Spencer. said...

I'm seriously in love with your birdcage print skirt & yellow lace blouse, can't believe they're from the co-op! Ooh also loving your stripey dress, can't wait to see your recent purchases in outfit posts m'dear :) Have a fab weekend!

robin sue said...

prachtige dingen!
vind vooral het vogelkooi-rokje heel schattig!

Eva said...

So in love with all the things! I want a 'wreck this journal' to.

Love your blog.

When I am back at home, I am going to follow you!


Esther said...

oeeh je hebt echt zuuuulke leuke dingen gekocht en gekregen! :)
haha die wreck this journal is echt superleuk ^^

Shannon Beer said...

Wow looks like you had a lovely birthday, I love it all! Especially the shoes and the lace dress!x

Unknown said...

eeek! I want to steal all of those fabulous shoes for myself love the ASOS platforms!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I love these pieces. Beautiful!! The shoes are amazing


MissKait said...

mmm i'm loving those JF's they are so cute. i've never seen them in the color so pretty lady!

kaitlin xo

Dark Blue Stripes said...

Great new arrivals. Love the bird cage skirt and the boots.



Nici said...

Thanks for your lovely comment!
Oh my gosh, I love your Lita's and those Asos shoes!
I also want those Lita's, but they're too expensive for me! :/
Following you now! :)

ley said...

Ohh die schoenennnnn i love it net zoals je outfits echt leuk! En inderdaad, ik snap het ook niet ik vind die creeper schoenen ook echt vet, waar heb jij ze vandaan dan? xx Ley