I'm sorry that I've rarely been updating my blog lately.But with the cold outside (it was -7 outside last week!) it was just crazy to take outfit shots. Plus I didn't really had a photographer to do the work.
Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the accessories I got, the food I made and the cutest little fluffy guy in the world.
Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the accessories I got, the food I made and the cutest little fluffy guy in the world.

great shots none the less and i know exactly what you mean. it was so cold the last two weeks in berlin!
<3 rae
Je nieuwe tas en ketting met het uiltje zijn echt heel erg mooi!
Oooooooo my goodness; die haarband! D: Waar heb je die vandaan? I LUUUUV it! <3
@ Lea
De haarband komt van Asos! Hier is de link: http://www.asos.com//Lipsy/Lipsy-Floral-Garland-Style-Hair-Band/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1082080
En dank jullie wel :)
Cute pictures <3
That mug is adorable ! ^^ I've been actually thinking about buying those for myself.. :>
Have a lovely weekend,
Indie by Heart
Leuke foto's :)! Vind je theekopje heel schattig! Net als je kat, hihi.
Cute pictures, i loved the color of your bag:)
Have a great weekend,
I love these photos! The shot of the kitty is adorable! :D
Al de vogelspullen, heerlijk! En ooooh kattenliefde!
cute photos, i'm a huge Instagram fan!
Ah superlieve kat!
Nice pictures! Love your blog!
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Beautiful photos, I adore the headband in the last one.
I always love a good instagram post, it gives readers a glimpse of your "ordinary or not-so-ordinary" life. thanks for sharing. your leafy hair decoration is lovely!
Incredibly gorgeous necklace top right! ANd love the metal hair piece.
<3 Cambria
Loved your photos !
your cat is so cute and gorgeous accessories !
xoxo from Japan
Love the necklaces and the bag is gorgeous :) xx
lovely :)
these are delightful! I love your mug
-7! Gosh thats cold! Well I love the hair thing in the last picture! Very cute!
the little bag and this amazing cup <3 i think i just fell in love!
but the best one's the hairpic...so beautiful!
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