This is what I wore last Saturday (and Sunday for the pictures) and these boots and cardigan are on my winter wardrobe staple. I honestly hate it to say that something is on my staple, but it's true. Got the boots on sale and they're actually a size too big, but not like that a pair of tights and some good socks can't fix. I was so happy when I found them. Got them for half off! Just like the bag. I wanted it last summer, but thought it was too pricey and now, same as the boots, half off.
About the cardigan, I already have it for 2 years now, I have lost 4 buttons and it's still high on my list. It just does it so well on these cold and windy winter days.
About the cardigan, I already have it for 2 years now, I have lost 4 buttons and it's still high on my list. It just does it so well on these cold and windy winter days.