Anyhow, these are some things I made the past weeks. I made the gingerbreadcake last week, the winterwonderland cake for Christmas, the browniecake for a birthday and the macarons and chocolatechip cookies were one of the things we made at the pastry course. I'm a big macarons fan, especially from Ladurée. But geez, I really need to say these were almost as good!
I'm starting to begin to develop my own recipes, so I can start a baking blog. So perhaps in the near future I can show cakes that really are 'my own'.
can you please, nevertheless, share your recipes for these cakes? or do a step-by-step walkthrough with pictures on how to makes cakes that look as beautiful as these? they look fantastic!!!
wow! they look soo delicious! Especally the first one!! Great job!
Best, Luu
Wat ziet dit er allemaal lekker uit! Ben erg benieuwd naar de recepten :)
xoxo Iris
Wauw ik begin gewoon te watertanden als ik dit zo zie, goed gedaan!
Wow! Your pictures look amazing! Your level of baking is amongst the finest of bakers! I certainly would buy your food especially the ginger bread cake, it looks truly scrumptious! xx
Wow, that is awesome. Especially the macarons; those are notoriously difficult to make and they look perfect! I think you'd do well in the business of professional baking (and you'd be the most well-dressed baker ever, you'd take off your baker's overcoat after work and all your colleagues would be like whaaaaat) and I'd totally follow your baking blog.
Wauw, hele mooie baksels en super gave foto's! Mag ik vragen met welke camera je deze mooie plaatjes hebt geschoten? :)
@ Tess
Dank je! :) Ik werk met een Sony a-350 camera met een 50 mm lens! Eigenlijk een lens die bijna iedere mode blogger gebruikt :') Ondanks dat vind ik het een hele fijne lens en ik ben ook graag bezig met de bewerking van foto's. Ook al heb ik de foto's van de eerste taart eigenlijk amper bewerkt!
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