This is just getting absolutely ridiculous! This is my firth week of vacation and since the beginning I haven't done anything. Except for a couple of days that I went shopping and I did something with friends. In total that were about 3 or 4 days. So you have to admit that this is getting ridiculous. And because I do nothing, I'm never tired. So in the evening I can't sleep haha. It's now 1:27 am and I should supose to be in bed. But the problem is, I can go lie in bed, but I'm not going to sleep. Hmm.. Maybe I can make some milk warm and drink it... In the good old days, when I was about 6 years, I got warm milk from my mother when I couldn't sleep... Maybe I should do that. So now I'm going downstairs to make it.
(Is back with warm milk)
As I was making it, I was thinking back to the good old days. When I was 6 years old and my biggest concern was if the doll I wanted, wasn't sold out. The time when you don't have to worry about school, because you have to finnish your paper on time. Playing with dolls get replaced by sitting behind the computer. Talking to your mom, get replaced by tons of homework. Oh dear, I want a ticket back to the past. Can someone give that to me?
Why does that time looks so much more colourfull? What is that? Okay, you don't have the sorrows, you don't have homework and you can play outside almost whole day long. The feeling that you can't go back is horrible and weird at the same time. 5 years ago (gosh, it's almost 6 years ago), I went to high school. And I didn't knew how to act. I was used to play outside on our breaks, but suddenly you had to sit still and talk to your friends. You couldn't ask 'can you play today?' anymore, because that wasn't 'cool'. And over the year, I got in huge fights with some friends, who aren't friends anymore. I got some difficulties with the subject math, because I just really sucked at that. I started to worry about that. And all of a sudden I wasn't that little girl anymore without concers. I got responsibility's. Responsibility's I still have. You have to this and you got to do that. And somewhere I don't mind, but when I'm lying in my bed and my window is open, I secretlty hope with my enormous fantasy, that Peter Pan stops by and takes me to Neverneverland.

Today I didn't felt like a dress or something, so I pulled out my shorts I haven't worn for months. I think the last time was in january. I just hate to wear shorts without tights, I think that's because I just hate my legs, when something is above my knees. Even now, when I'm looking at those pictures I think "Oh my gosh, my legs look fat". And then I'm wondering if I even could wear shorts, because my legs are to fat for that. This is also why I hate summer. Warmth, what means that it's to warm for tights. That means you can see your legs. But now it's past 2 o'clock in the middle of the night so I'm off the bed.

Shirt, American Vintage
Hat, H&M
Necklace, can't remember
Short, can't remember
Tights, H&M
Shoes, Minnetonka