Monday, February 23, 2009

Why do mondays exist?

I hate mondays. Ik haat maandagen. Je déteste lundi. Ich hasse Montags. And please, don't going to tell me if I wrote something wrong. I suck at French, I know.
Sorry, had to do that. Horrible, horrible day. I had the feeling that I was in high school again. Annoying people, a class that couldn't stop talking during a lesson and the feeling that I wasn't welcome. And also yesterday. So as many of you already understood, my parents are divorced. That's already like that for 13 years, so I don't know how it is otherwise. And I'm perfectly fine with it. But days like yesterday, or evenings I should say, are just awful. The dad began about a sensitive subject to my mom. That came out wrong and all and she walked away mad. Then he said something bad about her to me. And I was like shut up! Don't want to hear it. You're my dad, so act like one too!(good thing he doesn't read this) And later when my mom got back, she went to me, to say sorry. And suddenly she also said bad things about him. So I said again shut up. Act like a mom. Why do parents have to act like this, when they're divorced? They don't always act like this, don't get me wrong! Only sometimes they do and they both talk negative about each other to me. I just don't want to hear it anymore.
Yet again, sorry. I don't want to complain and be grumpy. It's just not my day and with the wrong people. And annoying parents. But tonight I go to boyfriend, so he will cheer me up. He's really good at that.

Such a good thing I have good shoes to make my day a bit more tollerable and to make walking fun. You have no idea how many people look weird at my shoes! Love it!
Oh darn! I thought about it, but still forgot it. I got a new cardigan! It's from See by Chloé. I really adore it. And also a new dress. That I will post a bit later this evening.
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Cardigan, See by Chloé
Dress, Episode
Hairpin, gift
Waistbelt, vintage
Green tights, Steps
Heels, Miu Miu


beckylou said...

ai, jammer dat je dag zo erg is gegaan.
Mijn ouders maakten vroeger ook constant ruzie, en ze maakten elkaar ook zwart bij mij. Ik begrijp dus hoe beu het is.

Ik hoop dat ik je wat vrolijker maak door te zeggen dat je outfit fantastisch is! Ik zou ook gapen naar je schoenen. Maar dan omdat ik ze bijna zou stelen met mijn ogen. Hetzelfde geldt voor het Chloé truitje!


Danielle said...

Those are some great pumps!!!

Andrea Eames said...

I love your shoes in particular!

I understand about the divorced parents thing. My mum and dad split up when we came to New Zealand, and they hate each other. It makes things really hard, especially at events like my wedding.

Darrah said...

Shoes do make everything better! I love those Miu Miu pumps! So cute!

Luka said...

As nekenciu pirmadieniu. That's how you say "I hate mondays" in lithuanian. I hate the too.
And, although my parents are not divorced they do the same thing when get mad at each other. That's really annoying, i understand you.
And by the way, i really like your pumps ;)

S* said...

I'm totally in love with your shoes!! ^^

My parents are divorced too and my dad talks shit about my mum (but my mum doesn't) and that's the reason I haven't seen him for ages now. But also, my grandmother (mother of my mother) enjoys saying horrible things about my dad and I just go mad! Ok. I hate him, but he is still my father! And I know how he is, I don't need anybody to remind me about that!

So yup, I know how are you feeling. My blood heats with those things.

^^ Hope your lovely bf'll cheer you up :)


HoneyBunny said...

cute outfit! hope everything will get better with your parents:*

Kathryn said...

I know how those days feel-I am in highschol. And I will be for the next four years :( Lovely outfit!

Samantha said...

you look lovely, like a fairytale!

minteva said...

ugh, i know what you mean about divorced parents, mine do it do!

first time commenting, i just want to say that i LOVE the colour of your hair, & your style is gorgeous :)

your bed is too adorable- i want it!

Rocío Lafuente said...

You always look fantastic!!!!

I love your shoes!!


DaisyChain said...

you look so classical and gorgeous. LOVE those shoes.

Anonymous said...

I love your Miu Miu shoes - totally awesome.

Anonymous said...

Oh, My! I loooved that shoes so muuuch... Never bought them though :( They look very cool on you, nice pictures!

heleen said...

Gho dankje, fijn compliment!
En ja - was echt heeel vreemd! Maar ook leuk, ik wou dat er vaker vreemden me aanspraken, zonder bijbedoelingen dan.

Ik ben helemaal verliefd op je truitje van Chloé trouwens. Al die kleine details (het kraagje, de mouwen) maken het helemaal af.
Ik snap je wel met je ouders trouwens, m'n mama probeert altijd m'n vader zwart te maken. Ik zeg haar dan dat ik niet de juiste persoon ben om daarover tegen te klagen, maar dat houdt haar niet altijd tegen... :) Gelukkig heb je je vriendje om je op te vrolijken! :D

Parapluie said...

Love your outfit! I hate mondays, too, they should be banned from the calender...

Miss D the Teacher said...

What lovely shoes! ♥

Kay said...

Those shoes are so beautiful, the heel is absolutely perfect. And I love See by Chloe, almost as much as Chloe. I have a zebra print-ish tee from there (on sale though) and I love it (:
Eugh I totally know how it feels, my parents got divorced a couple of months ago although they've been separated for about two years. My mum bitches about my dad the whole time and gets really upset when I'm not responsive. I think you just have to stick it out really, there isn't much you can do.

Anonymous said...

wat is de episode eigenlijk?

Lily Zemuner said...

And I miss the winter so much!
I loved your tights and your shoes.


So said...

Love everythin: the shoes (so cute!), the cardi, the tights, the dress...:)

Anonymous said...

Well, if that's any consolation, my parents aren't divorced but they do the same thing sometimes when they have an argument. It sux, but think of happier things!

I adore your outfit, especially the shoes, as always!

Hope you're feeling better

Violet said...

i love this outfit and the shoes are out of this world cool

thanks for the comment

Vi from Cali

Mom Fashion World said...

your miu miu heels are perfect. i want one! when could i have a pair. lol. i have no bank to break. it's expensive to have a son!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow your blog is adorable. I love your Miu Miu shoes. If this is your room, it looks adorable. Very Vintage.

Great style.
Check out my new blog

Anonymous said...

aww...i'm so sorry to hear that about your parents. don't worry though-mine do that too and its so annoying. they're not divorced, but sometimes when i was a little kid, i would think that my parents were going to get divorced they would fight so much. its not even about relevant things-the things they come up with to fight over are so stupid and insignificant, so i totally see where you are coming from. and you don't sound grumpy at all-i think every one of our parent's fight once in a while.

Mom Fashion World said...

i like your dress which you look so cutie on it.

Emma B. said...

RE: I loved the shoes on the runway as well, but I agree that they look very good in this editorial.

Sharon said...

Hi there-what an adorable outfit and the shoes are just divine!! Hope you have a nice day today!

Raquel said...

I love your new cardigan and the shoes!

Anonymous said...

Mijn ouders zijn niet gescheiden, alhoewel ik dat soms wel zou willen (alles beter dan zoveel ruzie en onaangename stiltes). Waarom doen ouders toch zo??

Je ziet er echt heel mooi uit! Bijna sprookjesachtig!

Theresa said...

haha.. actually, I'm asking that every Monday!! I haaaaaaaate mondays tooooo!! (I also made a post about these annoying mondays some weeks ago)

but you look cute!

Romeika said...

I love your outfit, especially the tights and exquisite pumps! So pretty!

Francesca Tan said...

You're definitely looking really cute :) I hope you're feeling better already!

Mandy said...

love your blog its really pretty

Noelle Chantal said...

oh, i'm sorry to hear that about your parents. it's ok, don't worry much about them. just look after yourself and you'll be alright. and besides you are wearing a beautiful pumps! you just don't know how jealous i am with those, errr! nice outfit as usual! :)

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

I can relate to what you're saying, Sam. My parents are divorced too and sometimes it is easy to get thrown into difficult situations like the ones you've described. And it is okay to be grumpy about it! On the other hand, you look fabulous in those Mui Mui heels :)

The floral tights I was wearing are from Urban Outfitters, but they don't ship to Europe :(
Try looking at the Urban Outfitters UK website, they might ship to other places in Europe.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

mondays excits so you can post about your pretty outfit! you look so cute :)

Fools Fashion said...

Wat heerlijk veel foto's
en wat een naar gedoe

Nai said...

Don't worry: So I do & so I do.
1. My French is terrible, I'll take French classes this year.
2. I hate Mondays. Good bye weekend and hello week.. who would like the idea?
Ur shoes are amazing, i'm loving them :) XOXO ♥

Anonymous said...

haha mondays are really really the most awful days ever:)
anyway.your shoes are omg so lovely:)

Julia mode said...

ohh As always i love your outfit !! =)

xx darling !

Baybay Mama said...

When I saw your heels, I immediately had to see who made them! I love them. You look like alittle doll!

alexandra grecco said...

you look so lovely! beautiful dress. xoxox

muchlove said...

The details on your cardigan are so sweet. I love the colour of your tights too.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as always my darling! I am growing more and more jealous of your shoe collection. Sorry for all the aggravation re: divorced parents. I'm very very glad my dad is in a different country!

Liv said...

wow you are so lucky
I want those shoes

Mimmi Magia said...

so cute!
love your hair and oufit!

Unknown said...

lovely outfit !