Monday, June 29, 2009

Is there something real that's behind the mask?

Oh man, I love summer breaks! Even though I don't have my official summer break yet, I was the whole last week free! Last wednesday I went to the Hermitage with my dad and Jeanette (very good friend of the family). Museum with clothes, accessories and paintings from the Russian Czar. I've saw dresses and uniforms from 1850 to 1917. It was gorgeous. All those fabrics, beats and handwork. I would go crazy if I had to sew all those thousand of beats on a dress! When we went back to the car, there was this green little piece of paper under those.. Oh man, how do you call those things? Forgot the name in Dutch and English. I'll try to explain it. Those black things that makes sure you can look through your window when it's training! Well, underneath that thing the green little piece of paper was sort of stuck. So first my dad thought it was an apoligie note, because someone damaged his car. But it wasn't. It was a cellphone number from some guy. The note says: 'For your daughter, from M.', with his cellphone number. When we saw it Jeanette and I couldn't stop laughing! But my dad didn't though it was funny, haha.

Evi made these photos last week sunday, so not yesterday, but the week before it. These photos were made in her little village Halle.
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I was wearing my
Prada jacket
Vintage dress from Ilovevintage
Antique necklace that belonged to my great-grandmother
Bow from Bijou Brigitte
Tights from H&M
Heels from Nine West
Vintage purse from Ilovevintage

Oh, I kept telling to myself that I shouldn't forgot to tell that you can still send in your favorite outfit! It's still possible till the 10th of July! I want to thank everyone who already sended in their favorite look! And I'm still curious, so keep in sending them! For the ones who don't know where I'm talking about, you can read it here.

some new and old purchases part 3

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I must admit, yes even I thought it, that when the first time I saw this dress in real life, it was a grandma dress. But I do see potential in it. I'm going to alter and shorten it and I'm sure it's nog going to be grandma-ish! I actually can't call it grandma-ish, because my grandmother walks with freaking army pants! And for I forget, this dress is like many others also from
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I got this dress at the beginning of May. The evening I got it, I shortened immediatly, because I wanted to wear it the next day to my internship. Also from Who got an addiction? Me? No, you're such a joker! Caugh, caugh.
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Got this headband last week saturday with Evi at the H&M Divided!
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2 skirts, yet again from Needed those pretty bad. My other black selfmade skirts is frequently in the laundry, because I wear it pretty often... And sometimes I just don't want to wear a pleated skirt.
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And a blouse to wear it with them! I'm sorry that I have to say, but it's also from Already getting sick of me and my addiction?
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I bet you are getting sick of me and my addiction! Because another lovely ( to my opinion) purchase from I must say that the dress doesn't look so good like this. It's way more cute when I'm wearing it!

Still more to come! Also because I got two new pairs of shoes last saturday, when I was in Amsterdam.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have no words for it... The best artist ever, Michael Jackson, is dead... I was in shock when I heard the news early this morning and I still am... You went too soon Mike

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just a little idea

So I had this little idea. I was wondering if you lovely readers wanted to make a photo of your favorite outfit and send it to me! I'll pick out about 10 of them I like the most (if I get so many photos though..) and I'll post them here. Then I'll let you all vote! I will post the winner here with some questions. I won't let my personal taste have any influence on it.

So I really hope many of you will send me a photo of you in your favorite outfit to my email!! Please do it, because I'm so curious! I mean, you look at me and my style, but from some of you I have no idea how you look and what your favorite outfit is. So again, please, send it to my email:

P.S. Yes, I know I sound desperate, but that's just me when I'm really curious! x]

Such an amazing weekend

I spended last weekend at Evi. And it was so much fun. I went to her at friday evening and we already ate way too much bad things like chips and popcorn. Sometimes you have to do a bit crazy, right? We watched the XXXL marathon from Family Guy and after that we watched a part from the film Napoleon Dynamite. After that we went to sleep. Saturday we went to Arnhem, we wanted to go to the Mode Bienale. But the tickets for the fashion show at 4 O'clock was already sold out. Such a shame... But we decided to do a bit of shopping. We found this store with the most awful dresses. Seriously! So tacky and ugly! We both tried a dress on and made a photo of it! I'll post the photo from myself with the dress, but not the photo from Evi. Don't think she's going to like that, haha.
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Not the best photo of me, but what can you do about it? You can't be always perfect. And excuse me for the bra straps.

When we walked out that tacky store, we went to this chocolate store. With the most delicious things! We bought these chocolate things with an orange taste in the middle of it, chocolate truffles with whipcream in it and two things that has the shape of a cupcake, but the entire thing was from chocolate and in it there was these hazelnutcream in it (hope the explanation was good enough!). Seriously, everything was so delicious.

After that we went to the H&M to the accessories. Were I bought some things. Already showed some things like the hat in this post. More is coming up! I promise.

That evening we went to the movies in Doetinchem. We went to The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. Om my gosh, that film is genious! I laughed my uhm.. Behind off! If you haven't seen that movie yet, go see it! I almost command it! We had some time left before the film started and we made some photos, well, Evi made some blogphotos of me. When the film was over, Evi's dad picked us up and we went to Evi's home. At Comedy Central there was a Family Guy weekend, so we watched again a bunch of episodes from the Family Guy. So so funny.

Sunday was a relaxed day. We did kind of nothing. We sat in our pj's till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. When we finally got dressed Evi, my best friend and personal photgrapher, made again some blogphotos. Thank you Evi ^^ After that we watched a lot of Made episodes, because at MTV there was a Made weekend. Around 6 o'clock my mom was there to pick me up. Traveling to Evi by train takes about 2 hours and if you have bad luck more. It was such a shame it was already over, but we do have some good new memories now!

Here are the photos that Evi made of me in Doetinchem. And there are a lot of them. Maybe nice for a change?
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H&M Divided hat
American Vintage black shirt
H&M cardigan
Vintage waistbelt
Vintage skirt that belongs to Evi, but I got addicted to it owlnecklace
Pearlnecklace from Evi
H&M Divided tights
Fornarina Heels
Steps coat

Some old and new purchases part 2

So I have more new and old things to show you that I purchased the past 2 months. Here we go!
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My mom bought these heels for me as a surprice. Isn't that sweet? It was almost the end of my internship and I was constantly so tired. I could cry about the tiniest thing. I already tried them on a couple of times, but everytime I didn't wanted to buy them, because I wanted to keep my money. And at a wednesday afternoon my mom got home, a little bit later than normal, and she said to me that I had to close my eyes and put up my hands. She putted the box on my hands and said I could open my eyes. And there they were! Thanks mom!^^
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I bought this big bow last saturday in Arnhem with Evi at the H&M. Isn't it amazing? Still don't know when to wear it, but it can always come in handy.
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I bought this dress somewhere between the end of May and the beginning of June... Isn't it a cutesy thing? I got it, how predictable, from Seriously too addicted.
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Two cute little bows from Bijou Brigitte. Also bought them when I was in Arnhem.
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Another dress from Seriously, someone should ban me from that site.
Seriously. Too. Addictive.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I won't let them get me

At first, seriously, everyone... Thank you all so much. I can't believe how many of you left such a sweet comment. Even loyal readers who actually never leave a comment, left a really sweet one! And I learned some good things. Some things almost everyone of you said. Don't feel bad about it, don't pay attention to them, try to find other friends (going to be a be very tuff one) and the most important one. Be yourself, no matter what. And I will, I promise. And another thing. All of your comments made me so happy, it really made me smile. I wish I could you all meet you in person. I actually don't know what I can say more... It made me speechless. I wish I could do something back... Thank you all!

But my blog ritme is coming back I believe. I keep thinking of making new posts and I keep getting new inspiration. That didn't happend the past 2 months. I'm also feeling a lot better about myself. I also have a bunch of outfits that I still have to show, but I just keep forgetting to make photos. And I also have so many new dresses to show and skirts and a blouse. Also some selfmade dresses. One is finished, an other one isn't finished yet and I planned to make at least 3 more for Italy. So when those are finished (I hope beginning next month), I'll show the selfmade ones.

Now something else! I got an award from the amazing Dexter! Thank you so much!

I'm going to pass this award on to:
And to Sasi!

And I got tagged by HoneyBunny!

Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment, telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

It's going to be hard to think of something! Okay, so here we go!
1. I know the whole script out of my head from the film A Cinderalle Story with Hilary Duff
2. My favorite actor is Jack Black for several years already
3. I can't sleep in a messy room, even though it's 1 O'clock in the morning. I just have to clean it up. Unless I can't see it
4. About 2 to 3 years ago I had a crush on Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel... Shame on me!!
5. From the age of 13 till 16 I had a belly button ring. And I wanted more piercings. Not anymore though
6. I absolute dislike little children, except for the neighboors children. Those are so cute!
7. I can't stand the Gossip Girl hype. I like the books, but I think the show is just awful
8. When I'm traveling by train or by bus, I just have to read a book and hate it when I'm getting disturbed
9. When I get home out of school or internship and it's about 6 o'clock, I immediatly ask what we're going to eat that evening
10. I almost love everything red

I hope you liked those random facts of me!
I'm going to tag:
Janet Taylor
And Belle

I also was with Evi this weekend. And it was fabulous! As Evi and I would say. I really needed it, after that schoolcrap. We had so much fun! Really! But more about that in the next post. She also made outfit shots from the outfits I wore and I love the photos she made! I just made her into my personal photographer when we're going to Italy. She just doesn't know it yet. So Evi, when you read this, you know what you are! My very best friend and photographer! You don't mind it, right?
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This outfit was from last friday.

Dress, See by Chloé
Black shirt, H&M
Bow, vintage
White tights, AA
Necklace, gift from my dad
Pendant, antique (belonged to my great-grandmother)
Heels, Fornarina

Some old and new purchases part 1

So I bought and got again a bunch of new things the past 2 months. I was just too lazy to take a photo of it and show it... Oh well, just don't think I got everything at the same time! I know I can be bad at buying a lot of things, but I'm not this bad, haha.
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A new hat from the H&M Divided
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A pair of flat shoes that I got for Italy. Walking in heels in Venice isn't such a good idea, right?
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More flat shoes! I got these 2 pairs from my mom because of my marks and ofcourse Italy. She also thought I needed more flat shoes! Normally I don't really like shoes like these, but for Italy I think they're kinda cute.
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And a new jumpsuit (uhuh, it's no dress) from
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I got these 2 antique broches on a market in Naarden at Queensday. Totally forgot to show them. The first one is actually a tini tiny painting. It is painted by hand! So small... And the second one is from porcelain.

There's more coming up, but way too many for just one post!