I'm having this problem for about 2 weeks now I guess. All I want to do is sit in my pj's, but that isn't something you'll wear when you're going somewhere.
Seriously, not one single outfit I come up with feels right and it's affecting my mood a lot the past days. So if someone has a solution or tips for it, I would be happy to hear it!
I must confess that I've bought one thing from Topshop. These lace pants. So nice that they were on sale.

Komt me bekend voor! Meestal koop ik dan een item waar ik helemaal weg van ben en waar ik veel kanten mee uit kan, dan ziet al mijn andere kleding er ineens een stuk rooskleuriger uit!
Leuke broek heb je besteld, ik ben benieuwd naar je outfits!
I've been definitely feeling in a fashion rut lately, everything seems blah. It must be the time of the year!
Leuke broek! Die gaat je super staan! Misschien kan voor een outfit met die broek starten en zo verder bouwen?
Wow, I could have written this.. I've been feeling the same way for the past few days! I try on a bunch of different things, and nothing seems right, so I finally just pick something and go with it so I can get on with my day.
I want to shop, but already bought a few things that I'm waiting to arrive in the mail. And I have no more money to spend on clothes for the time being, even though I keep eyeing things online.
So yeah, I'm completely with you! =] Unfortunately, I have no advice!
i've been there. the reason you feel like that is most likely because you have so many interesting and stylish clothes and not enough simple, super-comfy ones.
i say you put together a small selection of plain jersey clothes, easily transformed by shoes and accessories. it worked for me!
Me tooo! I have loads of days where I can't make outfits that feel quite right. I blame the weird British weather though...
I think you look fantastic in all your pics though, your red hair looks amazing with the cream lace dresses!
Corinne x
I know exactly what you mean. I've been having the same problem so much lately!
Whenever this happens, I try to remix things in really unexpected ways and push outside of my comfort zone until I find a style that is appealing. Experimenting with different styles can help you to feel more excited about changing up your usual style! :)
I totally have lots of those moments. What I usually do is just pick an item from the bottom of my drawers or closet and work an outfit around it since it's usually something I haven't worn in a long while.
wauw gave broek!
Ik ken het gevoel en ik mag ook niet shoppen want ik ga over 2 weken naar Manchester.
Andere blogs kunnen je misschien inspiratie geven! Maar dat zal je waarschijnlijk al geprobeerd hebben.
Yeah, everytime I open up my draws I pull everything out and off their rails onto the floor because I simply cant find ANYTHING to wear! I always end up wearing the same thing! I love those Lace Pants though :) xx
Wow, great pants!
ik heb precies hetzelfde nu, echt zuur :( niet echt een tip ofzo. misschien eens je kast opruimen en veel dingen naar zolder dat je meer overzicht hebt (als je heel veel kleren hebt) of 1 nieuw dingen kopen (dus niet echt shoppen :P) bijv. van kringloop om dan weer nieuwe matches te maken? hm. misschien moet ik mn eigen advies maar eens opvolgen hahah!!!
I Bought A Tee From Topshop Yesterday, Literally My First.
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