I have some problems with my camera, the stupid thing doesn't want to charge up. So for now no outfit shots. I hope I can fix it soon, because I'm going to Italy in a couple of weeks. And I just have to make photo's when I'm there. I'll hope you forgive me that there aren't outfitshots.
Ik hoop ook voor je dat je, je camera mee kan nemen! btw. leuke blog! ik voeg je even toe aan m'n links, goed? x
Thanks for the comment on my blog, it made me very happy! I would like you camera to be fixed too, I would like to see more outfit shots.
If you would like to trade links, let me know!
Your comment is always so sweet! I really hope your camera can be fixed soon. I really understand you, when my last camera broken, I went almost mad. However, I hope this problem is much smaller and hopefully sooner to be fixed xxxxxxx
P.S. I do love your picture today! It's soooooo cute :)
Have fun in Italy <3
Hey i have just come across your blog and i really like it, seen your past outfits and really like them! Want to trade links? Check out my blog and tell me if you like it
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