I'm starting a serie of interviews with girls, which I think have a greay sense of style!
This first interview is with Nina. She loves high heels and dresses ( I know the feeling) and I just love her style! I really wanted to share it with all of you. She inspires me and I hope she also will inspire you.
Tell us something about yourself.
I'm Nina, 17 years old and I'm doing 5vwo (for the people who aren't Dutch, 5vwo is actually high school and the year before the senior year). I live in Den Bosch and I want to do something with journalism, I prefer fashion journalism.
What does fashion and beautiful clothes mean to you?
Fashion and clothes make me happy. When I wear a good outfit, no one can ruin my day anymore. Finding something in a store or online what I love, can also make me very happy and I can't get that certain item out of my head. Clothes and fashion are just really important to me.
How would you describe your personal style? Sweet and girly.
I almost always wear a dress. My favourite colors are pastel pink and green. I also love a lot of prints. Flowers and dots are my fauvorite. The accent in my outfit is almost always at the waist. I love high heels, but I also wear flats.
Wich item in your closet couldn’t you live without?
A basic black dress. The fit is really tight, it has short sleeves and has a widely cut neckline. It can easily be worn with very high-heels or flats and colourful tights.

For what piece of clothing that hangs in your closet, do you feel the most ashamed of?
This big, grey, man cardigan from the H&M. It’s really comfy to wear and I always wear it as a coat when I go out. And sometimes, not often, when I’m not feeling to well, I wear it to school.
Do you often have mis-buys or do you wear everything you buy?
No, nowadays, I hardly ever have mis-buys. I always think before I buy, wether I’m going to wear it or not. Every dress will come in handy at some occasion.

Did you ever had the feeling you wanted to fit in as for clothing, because you don’t look like the average teenager?
No, not at all. I always had the feeling I wanted to look different, because the crowd was looking dull. Björn Borg, cowboyboots, Uggs. I’m not that into trends.
Did you ever had unpleasant comments on your clothing, and if so, how did/do you deal with it?
Yes, I used to. I wore wide skater-pants and I was sometimes told I was ugly. But hey, just don’t respond to negative people, then they’ll find it far les fun.
Maybe tips for the people who want to wear their own style, but are afraid?
Just do it! Go shopping and buy what you really like, not what the half of your school is wearing.
What is your favorite trend right now?
High heels with platforms, it's great when you're that short as me!
Which trend do you think is awful?
The wide-leg jeans, just because it doesn't fit my body type. While I would love to have such a beautiful jeans à la That 70's Show!
Do you have a fashion-icon? Or a website where you get inspiration?
Hihi, you always give me inspiration! You have beautiful vintage dresses and a really jealous making shoe collection. For the rest I think that Stylemob is a really inspiring site and the EG forum stays a good inspirationsource.
What would you never, but then also never wear on the fashion area?
Something that is too small, or doesn't suit me. I think it's very important that your own clothes look beautiful on you. I think it's just as important that the clothes are beautiful (okay, there are limits)
Is there something you would like to say to the people who read this?
Cliché, but so true: wear where you feel comfortable in!
I hope you liked this interview! There will be more. I'm still looking for some girls or perhaps boys (?) to interview. So, if you know someone you think should be here or you want me to interview you. Just send me an email. But I'm not doing so many interviews, so I can't interview everyone (like I'll get many emails...)