As I was looking around on the internet, I found the dress that I wanted to make. I found the picture on
Niotillfem. Because I bought the fabrics, but didn't know what kind of dress I wanted to make. Glad I do now.

I think I'm going to make this dress with the red fabric. Hopefully I can find a pattern from this dress. And if I don't.. I think I just have to improvise than.
Oh, I love her blog!! And I can't wait to see how your dress turns out, perfect inspiration. I really wish I knew how to sew, I keep telling myself that I am just going to make myself learn or have someone teach me, I just never get around to it. And thank you sooooo much for your wonderful comment. You are the so adorable and I love your blog and style. <3
Ciao ciao hun,
superleuk jurkje is dat zeg! wauw
I've probably said this a hundred times already but this is one of my favorite silhouettes. Good luck! I can't wait to see your work!
oehh dat is een leuk jurkje die zou ik ook wel willen hebben!
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