Thursday, January 22, 2009

Italy part 2: The storm

This was the first storm we had. It rained pretty hard, but there was no lightning until the night. The storm was a lot worse a couple of hours later, when everyone was asleep. I believe it woke up everyone. You've heard a lot of hamering, because people wanted to make sure their tents were save. At the very last night we had an even bigger storm. That was a bad one. The rain came out the sky incredibly hard and the lightening didn't stop. Every second there was a flash. And the thunder was SO loud! I was really scared that last night. And my tent started to leak. So was had to move all my things, through the hard rain, to the other tent. Yay...
I really had to laugh about this haha. Is that bad? It's just stupid to have a party tent in front of the lake!


Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

I enjoy watching storms! Where in Italy did you visit?

Miss D the Teacher said...

I went camping for new years and my tent leaked too! There were giant puddles and everything got wet. Even my sleeping bag and pillow. It was so horrible.

Anonymous said...

I have similar pumps from vince camuto ;]

kayleigh said...

wij hadden dat ook dat de party tent omhoog vloog xD!!