1. Answer the questions on your blog, replace a question you don't like with one of your own invention and finally add a question of your own.
2. Tag 8 un-tagged people.
1. What is your current obsession?
Floral patterns (even though it isn't current, but already for over a year), Miu Miu shoes, fantasy films and the fragrance Daisy by Marc Jacobs.
2. What is your weirdest obsession?
Can't really think of one though.. It isn't really an obession, but I've always been into that supernatural stuff.
Can't really think of one though.. It isn't really an obession, but I've always been into that supernatural stuff.
3. What do you see outside your window?
Nothing at the moment, because my curtains are still closed
4. What is your favorite colour?
At the moment is my favorite colour dark red. Just like the carpet in my room. And light green!
5. Your weakness?
If someone says a negative things about a certain thing (the clothes I made for example), I can get really quickly insulted. Really have to work on that...
6. Which animal would you be?
A dog and then a Jack Russel. You know that little dog, who thinks it's really big?
7. What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to make big haute couture dresses.
8. What do you never want to happen in life?
I never and never want to lose my boyfriend. And today is our one year anniversary! Yay!
9. What is on your bedside table?
A lamp so I can read, a bottle of water, my Peter Rabbit and a book.
10. What's the last thing you've bought?
My Barbara Bui heeled sandals (see next post).
11. What do think about the person(s) who tagged you?
I think both are really lovely and different girls (with their looks and all) and I always like to read their blogs! The ones who read this, go read their blogs also! After reading my new posts ofcourse, haha.
12. What's your favorite childrens book?
Just like Beckylou, also Peter Pan!
13. Who do you want to meet in person?
Hmm... I would like to meet some Dutch/Belgium fellow bloggers! And also some others like Jane from Sea of Shoes and Karla from Karla's Closet! And Lily Allen...
14. What did you wanted to be as a child?
I wanted to be a lot of things. I wanted to be a singer, a dancer, a lawyer, a vet, a ballerina and at some point I even wanted to be Barbie... Weird...
15. What did you dream of last night?
It was really weird. I was at home, just downstairs in the livingroom and everything looked really different. There were several crocidilles, an elephant and my mom and I. And an other person, but I have no idea who. I was having a fight with a knife with two crocidilles (they could talk and walk on two paws). And I tried to kill them so I could stay alive and I kept warning my mom for the crocidilles. And the elephant was just being lazy... I can't remember more.
16. Do you prefer day or night?
Day, definitely.
17. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
My red Prada jacket, I got from my dad when we were in New York last summer. I don't wear it often, because I'm scared I will rip it or something. Or spill something on it. And it's pretty hard to combine, because of the short sleeves and the warm fabric.
18. What's your plan for tomorrow?
I have to go to my internship from 9 AM till 5 AM.
19. If you were going on a long trip (you don't know where you're going), which 10 things out of your wardrobe would you take with you?
Hmm... My favorite cardigan, a floral dress, a pair of black tights (goes with almost anything), my red flats (for long walks), my new Barbara Bui heeled sandals, a black skirt, a basic tee, a scarf (if it gets cold), sunglasses and a bikini.
20. What would you like to have in your hands right now?
Those breathtaking black patent woven wedges from Viktor & Rolf. Those are amazing.
21. What is your must have at the moment?
Hmm... Same answer as question 20!
22. What's your favorite tea flavour?
23. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Here are the people I'm going to tag!
JuliaDay, definitely.
17. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
My red Prada jacket, I got from my dad when we were in New York last summer. I don't wear it often, because I'm scared I will rip it or something. Or spill something on it. And it's pretty hard to combine, because of the short sleeves and the warm fabric.
18. What's your plan for tomorrow?
I have to go to my internship from 9 AM till 5 AM.
19. If you were going on a long trip (you don't know where you're going), which 10 things out of your wardrobe would you take with you?
Hmm... My favorite cardigan, a floral dress, a pair of black tights (goes with almost anything), my red flats (for long walks), my new Barbara Bui heeled sandals, a black skirt, a basic tee, a scarf (if it gets cold), sunglasses and a bikini.
20. What would you like to have in your hands right now?
Those breathtaking black patent woven wedges from Viktor & Rolf. Those are amazing.
21. What is your must have at the moment?
Hmm... Same answer as question 20!
22. What's your favorite tea flavour?
23. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Here are the people I'm going to tag!
For the rest everyone I wanted to tag is already tagged! So I stick to these 5 amazing bloggers!
I hope everything enjoyed reading this! Now you know again more about me! Hope I'm not getting boring. But my last post I said if you wanted to know more about my bad wednesday you had to ask and Rain asked it! So now I'm going to tell it.
Everything started out all just fine. No problems, no delayed train or bus or whatever. It went well at my internship and it was a short day of only 3 hours. But when I went to Amersfoort again, to my hairdresser, everything went bad. On my way back I missed my bus, it left earlier and I walked all the way to the trainstation, where I missed my train by 5 minutes! Just 5 minutes! Had to wait there for 25 minutes. In the very hot sun. It's okay when it's warm, but I can't stand heath. I'm not used to it. So finally my train arrived. And I went on my way to Amersfoort. On the way I got some negative comments from some girls, god knows who they are. They were saying things like: 'look at 'that'' and 'how white can you be? Iewl'. And I just wanted to say: 'shut up!'. When I walked down the stone stairs, I slipped and fell. And my bag landed incredibly hard on the floor. And my camera was in it! I was sooooo scared it was broken! But thank god it isn't. But it is making this little sound, even though it is working as it should be. Kind of wondering if I should go back to the store... But I also got a ladder in my best black tights. And some bruises, muscular pain and some of my ribs are still hurting me. On the way back to the trainstation I kind of bumped into boyfriend! After that everything got better.
And another thing! I got a new blog addiction. So as many of you know I'm a shoe addict. And a very big one. And through a reader, the blog owner by the way, I got a new addiction. The blog is The High Heel Times by Dexter! I also discovered through The High Heel Times that Cameron Diaz was wearing my shoes, just like Christina Aguilera! Thank you for sharing this Dexter!

Picture by Dexter!
And now finally, after a bunch of typing (for me) and reading (for you) I'm going to show my outfit. This outfit is from last saturday, when I went to Amsterdam with my dad.
Nice outfit!
lange post! Leuk om te lezen die dingen!
Leuke outift ook nog, en je nieuwe schoenen zijn ook leuk! Ik ben eigenlijk wel eens beniewd naar je gehele schoenen collectie!
You are so cute! Love your shoes so much and also your outfit...I dream to have a real Louboutin! Who knows next vacation?
Thanks so much for stopping by at my blog, be welcome any time!
Kisses and hugs,
see you,
I love reading answers to these tags!
Gorgeous skirt.
Leuke blog! :)
Trek je niks aan van die meiden, je ziet er altijd prachtig uit. Ze zijn gewoon jaloers dat ze zelf niet het lef kunnen opbrengen om er zo uit te zien!
Liefs, Laura.
Happy 1 year anniversairy with your boyfriend!
And do you wanna exchange links? Hope you don't mind I added you first :D
Leuke outfit :D En hoe kom je aan het geld om Louboutins te kopen :O Jaloers!! ;)
I've been to Amsterdam a few times. It's not a place I can "just go to with my dad" but I love it! It's truly beautiful.
I really really love the skirt. Gorge outfit x
schattig rokje. dit is een iets andere dan normaal van je, of niet? een keer geen jurkje in ieder geval. wel leuk!
I adore those red shoes. And you are beautiful. Girls can be so cruel!
You are just too cute. Love the photos in the garden.
lovely skirt.
and I love the cherry blossom tree behind you!
errrh, hoe gemeen zijn die meisjes? en wat een nutteloze opmerking ook... ik vind zo'n bleke huidskleur juist supermooi! :) leuk ook om je antwoorden te lezen - je droom klinkt fijn, echt zo fantasievol ^^
LEUKE BLOG! Dat bloemenrokje is echt super!! <3
Wow, huuuuge post! Now I know a lot more about you and your dreams:)
Sorry for your bad day, I don't think there's anybody out there who didn't have a day like that.
Thanks for your kind words! I wonder how many shoes I'm going to hit in your wardrobe lol :D
Nice, lovely shoes and skirt you wore in Amsterdam!
This outfit is perfect for spring & you must have a fabulous shoe collection because I am in love with all of your shoes with all of your outfits :P
Oh you poor thing! That's a lot of unlucky stuff that happened to you...it can only be better and better now:) :*
You look as adorable as always, dear!
volgens mij is dit je long lost sister:
jullie kleding en haar is iig hetzelfde :P
Happy one year anniversary! :) I love your skirt, I wore a very similar one yesterday (on the blog).
Andrea xx
I love your scarf & skirt & shoes. Just lovely. & I wish I could just go to Amsterdam like that, I went last year with a bunch of friends. It was possibly the funnest weekend ever. Lovely pictures & Q&A =)
Great look!!!!
Very nice pictures. and nice place!
Such a lovely outfit. ♥ I really love all of your shoes!! They're so adorable. ;)
i LOVE your blog!
Thanks so much for tagging me!!! Oh, and I love your outfit, but even more so I love your hair! It's at such a perfect length!
Ik was een beetje op je blog aan het rondsnuffelen en uiteindelijk kwam ik bij dit artikel uit. Ik zag dat mijn comment er niet bij staat en nu voel ik me best rot want ik had gecomment dat ik het heeeeeeeeeeeeel lief van je vond dat je me had getagged maar waarschijnlijk is er iets misgegaan want mijn comment staat er niet bij. Sorry als het raar klinkt en het is ook een oud artikel, dus misschien een beetje gek dat ik erop comment. Maar ik wou je even laten weten dat ik gecomment had en de tag superlief vond/vind! Ik hoop niet dat je nu denkt dat ik er niet blij mee was ofzo. Sorry
x Rebecca
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