Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some really Dutch weather

Today it can be rainy and only about 20 degrees celcius and tomorrow it can be sunny and 28 degrees celcius. And that's what happend last weekend. Last thursday it was cloudy and not really warm and saturday it was suddenly really warm. Just like sunday. And when it's warm, we Dutch people crap every chance to do something outside with both hands. At least, the most Dutch people. I'm more a winter-person, with all the layers and all. So everyone was walking in shorts and short skirts and short sleeves. Everyone is going to the beach or going sailing. My dad and I went touring through Noord-Holland, a province here in The Netherlands and at the end we ended up in Amsterdam.

I made only one photo, because I got a bit distracted by the fact we were a little bit lost haha.


Anne said...

Hey ik weet niet of je dit nog zult lezen, maar ik vraag me af waar deze foto genomen is :) Het lijkt namelijk heel erg op een plek waar ik dichtbij woon!

Sam said...

Eerlijk gezegd kan ik me niet meer zo goed herinneren waar ik deze foto heb gemaakt, omdat het alweer zo'n 3 jaar geleden is. Maar ik gok dat dit vlakbij 'S graveland was...