Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's my birthday!

It's my birthday today as the title of this post says! Even though it's past twelve I'm still not officially 18. 18 years ago around this time I was giving my mom lots of troubles haha! In some hours it will be official because 18 years ago at 29th of September 1991 on 2 minutes for 9 I was born. I think I liked the two's and the nine's a lot, haha. So I'm still some hours 17.

But 18 means that I'm now officially an adult. I can get my drivers licence. I can get strong liquor without needing someone older. I can vote for some political party if I want to now. Uhm... What more can you do when you turn 18?! And you know what! I don't need my drivers licence since I travel to school by train, I don't drink strong liquor and I have no idea when we can vote again!

You know what's funny... I don't think I sound happy about it. Or positive. I guess that's because I'm not happy about. At least, not much... It makes me realise how fast life goes. And I just want to be a little girl again without problems. So because of that my mom and I are going to the Efteling tomorrow! For the ones who don't know what the Efteling is, it's a theme park about fairytales! For me that's the perfect 18th birthday! I actually have to go to school tomorrow, but my mom thinks that your 18 birthday is special, so I can take the day off! Plus I will only miss 3 hours. Nothing to worry about!^^ Thinking about tomorrow makes me feel a lot more happy!

Since I can't post more today I'll show my outfit that I wore yesterday (the 28th). Sort of my birthday outfit! I already got one present for my birthday... The Givenchy ankleboots!!=D You'll see the official birthday outfit Sunday, when I have my birthday party in Amsterdam!!^^
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H&M jacket and tights
Vintage dress, I shortened it and belt
Ilovevintage owlnecklace
Givenchy ankleboots =D

Monday, September 28, 2009

I <3 London

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Dahlia wannahave's

I soooooo want these Dahlia dresses and coat... Maybe a potential birthday present for someone?^^
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And my 2 absolute favorites
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I seriously need this coat. I need it SO bad...
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Friday, September 25, 2009


Again sorry for not posting so much. I'm SO busy with school that it isn't fun anymore! I have so many assignments that I'm getting sick of it. This thursday I have to turn in a blazer and I even haven't really started on it... Pretty bad, but I almost have no time to make it. So this weekend I have to work hard.
I wanted to post something, but due to some problems I can't post it anymore! I will post it as soon a possible!
Tuesday I will post a new outfit! I promise! Really. For now you have to do it with some old outfits I've never posted before.
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In London wearing a Dahlia playsuit and Viktor & Rolf bag!
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Something I wore in the summervacation before we went to London!
Wearing a Fornarina blouse, Rose B. shorts and M by MJ peeptoe's.
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Around the same time as the outfit above!
Wearing a H&M Divided hat, Fornarina top, pants that I 'stole' (it got too small) from my dad and Dsquared2 peeptoe's.
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An outfit from before the summer vacation started!
Wearing a vintage dress, Steps tights and Fornarina heels.
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This outfit is also from before the summer vacation started!
Wearing a See by Chloé cardigan, Episode dress, H&M tights, hat from the party store and Fornarina heels.

And the last outfit that's really old! From April... Don't know why I've never posted it before... Oh well, better late than never.
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Vintage dress and belt, Viktor & Rolf scarf and ofcourse the Fornarina heels!

Hope you'll forgive me for not posting so much!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Someone wake me, I can't seem to break free

You know, sometimes I feel trapped. Trapped in a world full of obligations. And I'm not liking it. I've never been the kind of girl or person that liked to do things that were obliged to me. Like I've never liked school when I was little. Not because of the learning part. I liked to learn, but because of the fact that it was obliged. That I didn't liked. And frankly I still don't. Now at school I have to make patterns from a dress for someone else. And someone else for me. It means I need to do it perfectly. Without any changes. I can make changes when I'm making my own patterns. I really have to get rid of this behaviour or feeling. Whatever it may be. Because it limits myself. But in some way it just doesn't want to go away.

Oh well, it's just how I am I guess. For the rest I really like to live and do the things I do. And when I'm getting older I hope the feeling is getting less. This isn't a complaining post ;) Just telling how I am, because this still is a personal blog. Some kind of diary, but with also outfits and other things! Things that keep me busy. Sometimes it's about fun things, then it's about sad things, other time it's about happy things and now it's about a bad trait I have.

And now an outfit!
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H&M jacket and tights
Fornarina bow blouse and heels
Selfmade dress
Bow from Claire's
Viktor & Rolf bag
Vintage belt

And what do you think of little Anna. Isn't she cute?! She's the new little kittin from boyfriend.
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And another thing. The last time I showed my room was in March. And it was already very different then! For the ones who are 'new' here (new means when you started to read my blog after new year ;) ) I changed my room around last Christmas! Before that it was really really colourful. So I finally have my new bed for about 3 or 4 months now, after waiting for 6 months. I also finally have a nice way to store up my shoes! The only things missing are a nice desk and desk chair. Here are some photos of my room how it is now.
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Little edit over here... The worst part is, that all these shoes, aren't even all of my shoes. I have more in shoeboxes... But those are the ones I'm not wearing a lot. I rarely wear those.
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And something that isn't standing on my room, but at the other side of the attic.
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The rack behind this rack isn't mine! Just so you know.
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More clothes I own... Pretty bad, no?