1. Homemade pumpkin-cinnamon cake. It took me hours to make it and some backache, but it was worth it. Delicious! 2. Homemade gingerbread man. My first attempt ever with a piping bag.
3. 4. Eddy the cat, my personal grumpy cat and love of my life.
5. The only reason I take selfies. Gasmasks. 6. Ok and very good hair that should have it's own shampoo commercial.
7. Homemade raspberry and coconut muffins. 8. A book with loads of macarons recipes.
9. Asos skeleton jumper. My fave jumper of the moment, I wear it non stop. 10. I think this 'Gangsta' kitty shirt is brilliant. Best t-shirt I ever had.
11. My bed in all of it's autumn's glory. 12. Asos wedges I got in the sale that almost makes me afraid of heights.
Hereby some pictures from my Instagram, because I don't have any outfits to show. I've been awfully sick this weekend (a light form of laryngitis) and the weekend before I went to a festival that took all Saturdaynight. It took Sunday and Monday to get back on track.
With some luck I will be able to shoot an outfit (or 2) this weekend. Fingers crossed my boyfriend wants to help me with it.