The tuesday is one of my favorite days in the week. It's because I can sleep till late and I can do everything in my own tempo. At least, I can do everything quietly when I don't come out of bed too late. I went out of my bed at about 10:45 am. I made my breakfast, I was looking for some clothes and do my make up. All without haste. I even had some time to make my outfit shots in the backyard and it is lovely weather. After all that rain, a little bit of sun doesn't hurt. After the shots I walked the dog in the sun.
When I had done everything it was already 12 o'clock in the afternoon and I had to go to school. I crabbed my bike and went to the station. When I arrived there, my train wasn't at the platform. Normally he is always there on time. I though that was quite strange. I waited a couple of minutes when the train arrived. I looked for a seat in the train and waited till we left. While the train was driving (?) he went really slow. In the meanwhile I had the feeling I would miss my transfer. Suddenly the train stopt. Without any reason. Sometimes it stops, because there's a train at the platform where we would arrive. But not this time. I was looking outside and waiting.. And waiting. Gues what, there was a power cut (It rimes! But that wasn't my intention). The train was standing still for exactly 69 minutes. Gosh, the boredom! So I was already late at school and I also had missed my transfer. When we finally arrived at Amersfoort Central I didn't wanted to go to school anymore. Because when I finally arrive at school, I only have a 1,5 hour left to be there. I know it's bad, but I think it's kinda useless, when you think I don't have lessons. On tuesday you can work for yourself and than you don't have any lessons. So my argumentation for the day is that I can also work at home today and don't have to go to school for only 1,5 hour.

So now I'm home and I still have a whole day in front of me. What to do? I think I'm going to lie in the sun. Or maybe I go to the forrest with the dog. Maybe I'll do that. Only one problem. I have a flat tire. Well, I have a lot of options. But first I'm going to change my clothes, because these jeans are hot with this weather.
Top, Fornarina
Cardigan, H&M
High-waisted Jeans, Miss Sixty
Waistbelt, Miss Sixty
Headband, can't remember
Necklace, they were from the grandmother
Peeptoe's, Marc by Marc Jacobs