Thursday, November 20, 2008

I´ve got you under my skin

At first. I wanted to thank you all for those incredibly sweet comments from my last post! And so many! I really was shocked. Still am. I just couldn't believe that so many people reacted on that post. I kept saying to my friend: "Oh my god! I've got 20 comments! I've got 25 comments!". And so go on. It was just 'wow'.

But for today. It was a rather normal one. Just threw something on this morning, didn't really had the time. It seriously was a loooong school day. I went to bed way to late (oeps), so I was really tired and today I had some bad muscular pain. Evil gymnastics. When I got back from school, it was already dark. So the pictures are pretty crappy. Sorry for that.

Edit: My outfit for today sucks, so I made some pictures from my outfit from yesterday. Those are better than the indoor shots.

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Cardigan, H&M
Dress, vintage
Tights, Miss Sixty
Heels, Nine West
Scarf, Dept
Headband, can't remember
Pearlnecklace, gift


Anonymous said...

Aaah you look cute :]

In-tree-gue said...

the outfit's cute. And I think your tights have sparked a somewhat unhealthy obsession with tights.

Angela said...

OH WOW this is a beautiful outfit!!

I love your style! Would you like to exchange links?


Anonymous said...

very cute. I like the printed tights & your red heels. keep up the classiness.

dayna said...


Lovely heels & tights... Great choice! I like & I want... Haha

xoxo: Janet

Anonymous said...

Love the tights! They are the perfect match for the lovely dress. For me you're one of the most inspiring bloggers.


thanks for reading my blog and for that sweet comment!

you are adorable and i love how you style ur outfits!

i will be coming back!


Q's Daydream said...

I LOVE your hair! That outfit is lovely, great tights! :o)

Anonymous said...

Love the way that you have put this together Sam, and the tights! They are amazing.

You look like you're off to have a very pretty adventure.


Anthea said...

Thank you for your comment! I love your little red shoes and matching scarf..just threw something on!! Want to link exchange?

Mimi said...

Very cute outfit.The dress is very pretty and the tights so unique.

Zoë said...

i love your stockings and the shoes! They're so sweet

Sharon said...

Hi there-a really gorgeous outfit! I love the vintage dress and it looks lovely with everything else too!

Grace said...

great poses :)

beckylou said...

waw echt héééééél mooie kousen! en dat strikje is super schattig!

Anonymous said...

Love that dress!! maar heb je het niet koud? ik zat heel de dag te bevriezen!

btw die hond kijkt echt cute :p

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

I love your shoes!

Billie Jean said...

heel leuk hoe je de outfit afmaakt met je rode accessoires. geeft het geheel wat extra's!

Anonymous said...

Your dog & cat are so cute ^^

And you look cute of course =]

Anonymous said...

You look Amazing!!! I love EVERYTHING!... especially your modesty.

Natalí said...

I love the way you dress, it is very cute. And I get a lot of inspirations by looking on your pictures! :)

Anonymous said...

cute pics

anoukvandermeij said...

dankje <3
ik zie dat je fashion design student
bent, waar studeer je dan? ook
in utrecht toch? zit je toevallig ook
op de hku? :)


Lexie said...

i love your patterned tights!

MeganElisabeth said...

oh my those shoes! i love them!
such a sweet blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with your tights...

Anonymous said...

You look SO cute!

Demi said...

thank you so much :)
and gorgeous outfit! them tights are adorable and look amazing with those shoes!

Anonymous said...

what a cute outfit! I love and your dog is so cute!:) stop by my blog sometime!

Anonymous said...

Love to your blog <3 I love the scarf ** and the tights

Anonymous said...

Logisch dat zoveel mensen afkomen op je prachtige outfits!

Nu weer!

Wow, die schoenen en die panty: HEBBEN!!

Anonymous said...

Ik wil je schoenen, je hondje, je panty's, je sjaal :P alles!

saray said...

great photos..
love your tights..

this wheel's on fire said...

gorgeous outfit! cute dog too :)

Law1sfab said...

so alice in wonderland I love it! x

Unknown said...

Oh get it, girl! I love your style and your blog. You are truly fab. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've now linked to you and will definitely be stopping by as often as i can!

Anonymous said...

aww your dog.

I still am lovin' those heels & I like the pearls.


Anonymous said...

Ik vind je outfit mooi ^^ en bij de een na laatste foto waait het hard, en dat geeft een leuk effect xD

Anonymous said...

Jij hebt echt een mooi gezicht :O en die foto met dat waai-effect is echt gaaf! Net als je hondje hehe

Anonymous said...

You're gorgeous, and I'm a little bit in love with those red shoes.
I found your blog quite recently, I like it a lot. :)

Demi said...

wow, i had no idea! whats it like? are there any particular things you do for it?

yiqin; said...

I LOVE the color of your hair, the red scarf & THOSE TIGHTS! Omg, so well put together!

Charmaine Li said...

you have a very impeccable style! so classy yet funky and VERY unique tights!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait seeing THE boyfriend


Sam said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments!

@ Angela
Aah thank you! And sure, I will add you!

@ Nadine
Thanks for the oh so sweet comment! That means so much to me that you say that.

@ Grant
Oh I was I was off to a very pretty adventure haha. Instead of that I did the messages.

@ Anthea
Thank you so much! And I will add you to my link list!

@ Siel
Haha, dankje en ja, ik had het IJSKOUD toen ik de foto's maakte.

@ Anouk
Nee, ik zit in Hilversum op eht Dudok college

And again. Thank you all for the amazing and sweet comments! They sure make my day!