This August I'm going to London again and I know where I'm going to. I'm planning to do a lot of shopping, because Dahlia never disappoints me with their designs. Dahlia represents my style and things I like. That girly style that's still feminine. Plus a lot of floral prints. After 3 year I'm still not bored of floral prints!
I've also got a little confession, I've got in total 26 dresses and playsuits from Dahlia. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that it's actually too much. But honestly, if I can afford it, why not?
And not to forget, Dahlia changed the website a few weeks ago and it looks amazingly good. I also really like the fact that models are showing the garments now. With styling tips!
Here are some (or a lot actually) outfit shots with my garments that I have from Dahlia
Apologies for the overload of photo's! I must say that I really enjoyed making this post. It's nice to go through all these photo's that I (and boyfriend sometimes) have made the past year.
I hope you enjoy this post and I promise to post a new outfit soon!
Good night everyone.
Here's a new outfit with a Dahlia dress. I'm wearing this today!

I hope you enjoy this post and I promise to post a new outfit soon!
Good night everyone.
Here's a new outfit with a Dahlia dress. I'm wearing this today!
oh my goodness. i am very jealous of all your beautiful dahlia dresses. i am in love. i will never get tired of floral dresses!!!
hahahah that's a lot of dresses! But you're right, if you can afford them, why not?
So now I know where to go next time I'm in London :P i love ALL of the outfits you just shared in that post, not just because of the lovely dahlia designs, but because of your classy styling :) i love reading new posts on this blog :)
cheers, dodgy
oh, how lovely! I so wish I could get Dahlia clothing here, you always look fantastic. <3
26 ! that's so cool ! like you say, if you can afford it !!
Wonderful outfits. Love your dresses soo much!
I still loving floral things now too :)
Those dresses are very cute! I really like some of them!
- Laura
OMG.... these are some great looks.
WOW, that's what I call an impressive collection of dresses!!! They are all lovely, would not really know which one to pick :) And you look great in all of them!
P.S.: Thanks for the inspiration, this brand is new to me!
Follow me on:
So lovely!
I'm going to London on Saturday. I must find this shop! Gorgeous dresses!
leuke dingen!
going to check it out, and hoping that they ship to the US...
you're such a doll!! :) these are beautiful outfits dear.
You have the cutest clothes I have ever seen I swear! I envy your closet. That white dress is stunning. I love it with the blue tights
OH ik ben zo jaloers op je collectie dahlia items! Toen ik in december in Londen was werd ik zo verliefd op het merk. Ik heb een jumpsuit en een jurkje (die helaas wel erg kort valt bij mij :( ) Ga denk ik binnenkort weer eens wat bestellen...
heel erg leuk :)
Super! ik ben wel benieuwd naar je vriendje haha. X
This post is so fun and I enjoyed seeing all your Dahlia outfits. Your so lucky to have all of those and be able to afford them too. I would wear all of these outfits but my absolute favourite is the yellow floral dahlia dress. Also in the third picture where did you get that jacket? I have the same one but in red and white.
Hello, I'm from Spain, but I blog because I love your style and how you dress!, Thanks to you I found this brand Dahlia and I want to buy a dress, but I ask you that you are expert, how do they carve? S-UK 10 is like a size 38 or size you need to take? and continues through esres so great!
Geweldige kleren ☺ Het verrast me steeds hoe je keer op keer een verrassende combi kunt samenstellen!
Mag ik vragen waar je eerste 2''mary-janes'' van zijn? ze zijn perfect! Leuke outfits ook!
Mag ik vragen waar je mary-jane schoentjes van zijn? van de eerste 2 foto's. ze zijn perfect! Leuke outfits ook!
all such super cute dresses! funny i never heard of this shop before. and dang i want your shoe closet!
You look so elegant in all of the pictures, very pretty (:
I never heard of that brand before I read about it so much on your blog, and now that I see the clothing I might check out the shop next time I'm in London!
Een voor een prachtige jurkjes! EN ik vind jou ook echt een dahlia meisje! Ik ben benieuwd wat je nog meer daar gaat halen in Augustus!
wow, you look so awesome in all of those outfits, and your closet is crazy!~ i like how you can manage to pull off all of those looks so well.
Brilliant post, what a huge collection you have! Amazing!
I can see why you love them so much - all your pieces are so pretty!!
I love this one!
wooow dat is echt een heel leuk merk :)!! jammer genoeg kom ik niet zo snel in londen
oh I LOVE that brand too! next time i'm in london i will visit the shop! PS- you look always so cute, lovely
very cute outfits!!!
It's summer..u have to be lazy!!!
Hey, kan het zijn dat ik je vandaag in de H&M in Antwerpen heb zien lopen?
Anders was het iemand die erg hard op je lijkt :)
I was wondering if you would take the time to have a look at my poll to help me decide the name I'm going to call my new blog. I've already come up with a list of names, but need some help in choosing the best one! Here's the link:
Thankyou! x
Aaah, Zo mooi allemaal ♥
Jou kledingstyle is echt geweldig!
Thank you all so much for the sweet comments!
@ Anoniem 12:57
Thank you so much! And I always have a size S from Dahlia, though for it's sometimes still small in the waist (my waist is in general a size xs)
@ Melissa
Sorry voor de late reactie, maar die mary janes zijn van Fornarina. Ik heb ze voor mijn 15e verjaardag gehad, dus dat is al even geleden.
@ Liesbeth
Oh, dat kan zeker weten, haha. Ik was dit weekend in Antwerpen met mijn vriend en heb daar het een en ander gekocht, hehe. Heb je nog leuke dingen gekocht in Antwerpen?^^
I have never heard of this shop and I live in London! Where abouts is it?
I am so envious of your beautiful room and incredible shoe collection!
Cool! Nee, ik heb maar 1 rokje gekocht & that's it, zielig he?:p
Jij nog veel gekocht, met al die drukte daar? ^^
Ik moet wel even zeggen dat je er goed uitzag, ik vind je stijl gewoon geweldig ;)
@ Clare
The store is located in a street attached to Carnaby Street, so it isn't somewhere far away :)
And thank you!
@ Liesbeth
Haha, 1 rokje maar? Ach, zolang het maar leuk is, is dat toch prima?^^ Ik heb zelf een jasje, jurkje en short gekocht (die populaire kanten, kon het niet laten!). Meer mocht ik niet kopen, aangezien ik binnenkort ook nog naar Londen ga. Maar het was ook goed zo.
En dank je wel!^^ Lief! Ik vond zelf dat ik er eigenlijk niet zo uitzag, het was een dag dat ik niks anders dan mijn pyjama aan wou, haha =p
Super leuke dingen.
Ga in Augustus ook weer naar London! Misschien kom ik je wel tegen ;)
Oh wauw, ik ben echt jaloers op je! Ook die schoenenkast achter je ;$
Ik vind jou zo prachtig! Ik ben verliefd op al je jurkjes! Geweldig allemaal
I'm massively jealous of all the Dahlia dresses that you have!
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