Friday, October 28, 2011

Drink like the Irish, one second you're high as a kite

Oh, how I wish I've worn these heels with a midi skirt. My black with white little dots midi skirt, though the combination I made up didn't really worked. It came out old-looking. Now I'm looking at this outfit, I wish I had ditched the hat and perhaps worn an other colour jeans. Never ever going to wear this look again.

Anyhow, I've had a lovely weekend. Went to an illegal party last Friday and went to bed pretty late and woke up around 2 PM. Stayed in bed till late in the afternoon and went out for diner that evening. After diner we went to the Museum night (as in the museums were open from 10 PM till 2 AM), which was nice. And that all with my boyfriend. I'm always a bit sad when lovely weekends like these come to an end and the work week starts again.
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I'm wearing a TBA mushroom blazer, River Island top, vintage hat, Levi's ID curve jeans, necklace was a gift, Mulberry satchel and Fendi heels.


Esther said...

je mag je outfit zelf niet zo geweldig vinden maar ik vind hem leuuuk! ^^
vooral je schoenen :)

jennifer said...

those heels are amazing! and your outfit is great, i really like it! even if you dont xxx

Joanna S. said...

beautiful photos !! i love this look ! awesome blazer and shoes :)

Unknown said...

Ah ik vind je outfit wel super mooi! Die blazer is echt geweldig :D. En de outfit staat erg mooi bij je haarkleur.

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit! And the shoes are TDF! I love them with those jeans. So envious! hahaha

Berni and Pauli said...

That mushroom coat is so unique, such an unforgettable piece of garment. Incredible find!!!

the creation of beauty is art. said...

I am in love with that hat!

derek said...

omg your blazer is so cute!! haha


amazing outfit, gorgeous shoes! and these photos are beautiful!


Frannie Pantz said...

I love your mushroom blazer! And the heels are great!

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are super amazingly wonderful...quite jealous over here. I think there are many great ways you could've styled these pieces (maybe some better?)--but I really don't think you look bad at all! I LIKE this ensemble! It's very chic and unique.

<3 Cambria

molly said...

Your shoes are amazing and I love your outfit!!

Kate L. said...

Amazing shoes!!! The blazer is beautiful! Love this look!

Fashion Cat

Megan said...

Those shoes are wonderful! Love the green heels.

Crazy for fashion said...

Cool outfit! I so love your shoes! <3<3

LnnK said...

wat een geweldige blazer!!


Amanda said...

Adorable blazer! Have I mentioned that I LOVE your hair color?

Melly said...

Wow you look so great. This hat is perfect for you.

Monsterchen said...

oh my god i want this insane mushroom blazer so hard, you look superfabulous, it´s a pleasure tu visit you darling, ooh and this fendi heels...
love and kiss,mary

Unknown said...


Sisters and Sisters said...

wat een prachtige outfit! Je vest en je schoenen zijn supeeeer!


NLR said...

Woah girl, I love this!
There's an amazing uniqueness about you :-)
Those shoes are fab.


Lischen said...

Gosh... I LOOOOVE your outfit! You look so cute!
Thanks for your lovely comment!!
I'd love to welcome you as my newest follower! :)


Gorgeous Clara said...

I think the outfit is great this way! love the shoes!

Creative Teacherette said...

I'm in love with this outfit :D And the shoes are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, I love the mushroom pattern.

Dressy Celeb said...

I absolutely love your shoes!♥

Thank you for your comment!
♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

Dandy-Doll said...

I feel honored that you commented my blog! I tryuly admire you and your style :)
Amazing outfit! This blazer is fantatsic. You are unic!


lifeisamaze said...

This blazer is so cute ! Love it :)

Bonnie said...

Your shoes are fantastic with that differently colored heel. It makes a statement without being overwhelming.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Francesca Della Valle said...

beautiful hair
lovely shoes
follow each other? i'll wait your answer on my blog :)

Unknown said...

love this outfit, such a cute blazer!


The Cat Hag said...

You look stunning, that adorable TBA Mushroom Blazer and those beyond fabulous Fendi heels go so well together!! :)

The Cat Hag

Barcelona Brunettes said...

This looks is so inspiring :)


aki! said...

I really adore these shoes! They're absolutely fantastic. The color combination is so unique.

Sabrina said...

preciosa la chaqueta! te quedan genial los labios rojos ^^

Aida said...

Great look, LOVE the shoes!

Unknown said...

covet those heels!

Stesha said...

obsessed with that hat!!!

Classic & Bubbly

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovely comment!! You're so sweet!

I do love your hair!
Outfit too, but your hair is the star!!
Following you! Follow me back?

Thank you so much again!


Closet Fashionista said...

Those heels are amazinggg!!! I think this outfit looks great! But I agree it will look awesome with a midi-skirt too :D

Jana K said...

ummmmm, that coat is just a little bit ADORABLE! <3

thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :)

skippysays said...

Aw, I like this look! Why don't you like it? I agree those shoes would also look good with a midi skirt :)

erica marie said...

I think it's still a pretty outfit, Love the shoes, that mint green heel is lovely.

xo erica

Bravoe Runway said...

I am not sure what is an illegal party but you definitely looked gorgeous! These shoes are amazing :D

joy said...

Your outfit is amazing, your blazer and hat are so cute :)

Melai said...

Wow, you look super cute here! I love the print of that blazer and those amazing shoes!

Melai of Style and Soul

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your comment, dear! An amazing mix of two different textures in the shoes! Brava!

Cecilia said...

Your shoes! OMG I love your shoes! And I really adore your outfit, it looks so gorgeous!

Febriani Djunaedi said...

your shoes is so amazing :)

Jamie Rose said...

I love how this outfit looks on you! That mushroom print blazer is basically the coolest thing ever! What a fun, quirky print!

Wynne Prasetyo said...

amazing outfit, oh can't take my eyes off the floral blazer.

Charlotte said...

Supermooie outfit!
Wat een hoge hakken!


Le Petit Angel said...

Precioso look!!!
Gracias por visitarme
Besos guapa

Hilla Hryniszyn said...

i love your heels, they're gorgeous,and a cute mushroom blazer
really original look

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

I think this outfit has come out beautifully- that blazer couldn't be anything but TBA could it? It's gorgeous. I love the boater and the heels too. xxx

M.ery said...

oh, you look so good! your shirt is funny and I'd love to have it in my wardrobe ;) lovely shoes!! <3

Luxx Mint said...

Wow those shoes are amazing!!

The doll on fashion

Live life glamorous said...

Je Fendi heels zijn prachtig! Heel origineel.

Ze zien er heel comfortabel uit.

Megan said...

That mushroom blazer is perfect!! I LOVE IT!!! Also, that hat on you is lovely.

Martay said...

wow! aparte schoenen! heb ze nognooit gezien! is het niet koud? met dit nederlands weer? haha!
ja, blogger deed gwn raar ofzo, want ze staan er weer tussen hoor!
woon je in amersfoort? ik winkel daar soms nog weleens haha! leuke stad!


Myrtha Meadows said...

Love those shoes! The leather work is amazing! Hope they're comfortable too...Really like the mushroom blazer. It's not that often you see mushroom prints. Cool! :)

lapetiteblonde said...

omg!great outfit!
love your blazer and shoes!
kisses pretty=)

Sadie said...

I don't know why you don't like this outfit, I think it looks great :) xx

nope said...


so lovely blazer, aww :3

Miss Psycho Cat said...

Well, I love this outfit, it's perfect, colors and everything looks great together ;)
Kisses :*

FashionFlirt said...

Thanks for your lovely comment!
Cute outfit :)

xoxo, Jasmin

Mani said...

Oh wooow, great look! I can't even decide which piece on you is my fave because everything looks soo good!

hugs and kisses by Mani.

Wall of Fashion said...

Dankjewel! Wat een leuk jasje, mooie outfit!

xx Marije

withloveyolie said...

We mogen toch echt niet klagen met deze supermooie dagen:)

Patrycja Sz said...

You look amazing. I love shoes. Great look. Beautiful hair!

Anonymous said...

thx so much for ur commi <3

cute outfit - i like it :))


the nyanzi report said...

oooh i love the last shot! great styling and photography.

Nynke said...

Ik vind het juist erg leuk, deze outfit. Ik ben verliefd op die blazer, hij is zo vrolijk en leuk!

Marijn said...

Amazing look!

Sanzibell said...

i love your jacket :)

♥ lovely.

Dessislava said...

this outfit is fab!

Jelena Zivanovic said...

All I can think about right now are those fabulous Fendi heels!!!:) Great look, adorable blazer!!:)
Thank u so much for your lovely comment on my blog!:) kisses
Jelena (

Silvia Negretti said...

Amazing outfit!!!!
You look fab, love your blazer!

rhiannonvic said...

So pretty! Love your shoes! And you blazer is gorgeous, love the pattern xx

Beautifield said...

Thanks voor je berichtje :) Wat heb jij toch mooie items altijd zeg, je jasje en je shoes!! <3 Prachtig!

Inês Brito said...

thank you sam ♥
such an adorable outfit, i really liked it! :)

Piia Õ. said...

You look absolutely stunning ! I love all the little details about this outfit . And thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog :)
Bowtie Diary

samecookiesdifferent said...

the shoes are so nice
xx the cookies
share the feeling

Alba said...

Your look is amazing! And I really love your hair :P

I'm following you know, I hope you'll do the same ;)

And thank you for your comment!!


Alina said...

Beautiful pictures,hon!Love that gorgeous blazer!

wooden heartbeat said...

thanks for the comment! adore your hat and shoes, gorgeous x

Anonymous said...

i abseloutely love this outfit combination! gorgeous and your heels are amazing! :D


Unknown said...

I love your outfit and the blazer is amazing.

Hele in Mint

Mikaela said...

Lovely photos!

and the best part of the weekend is satying up late! :D I love it :D


Dolce said...

You are incredibly adorable with that straw hat on <3 I'm jealous that you have that straw hat. I've been trying to find one ever since June. Love your blazer too, it's quite unique and cute!


Tess Atkinson said...

I ADORE your blazer! It's incredible x

Nhi said...

such a lovely outfit post!


GRACE said...

you are definitely rocking that hat! and those shoes!!


Ana L. said...

Lovely outfit but this shoes are pretty perfect! I really loved it! And I'm still falling in love with your hair haha.


Kasia said...

Cute look! I love your shoes and the hat is really cool! :)

Run With Fashion said...

Oh wow nice @ the museums being open till 2 am! :D
I also love your precious hat, an dlike your mushroom blazer. :D
Love your locket necklace as well. :)

Thank you for your commen ton my halloween nail post! :D


meeeh said...

Oh! Gorgeous heels! They are so fantastic!
And I love your jacket! It looks so adorable with the hat! Nice outfit! =)

Love, Pi*

Elekon said...

these shoes are to die for!! I love everything about them, simply everything! such a fun print on your blazer too:)

Rebeccak said...

whoooa those shoes are amazing! I like the way you styled them! I don't think they looks old!

Sounds like you are quite the party animal. I must be getting old, because after midnight I really feel like I am out past bedtime!

Nici said...

I love the print of your blazer, stunning!
And those shoes are gorgeous!

Kelley Kronic said...

why was the party illegal??

Jan said...

Ik kan niet vaak genoeg zeggen hoe gaaf die blazer wel niet is haha!
Die heels zijn ook trouwens perfectie zeg (:

April Fashionreports said...

love your fendi heels
so nice with the green heel
come and check out my blog
follow if you like
I will follow back

Bonnie said...

I love your cute necklace! I also love your shoes. Me-ow.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Anonymous said...

wow! love the whole outfit...