Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let's go fly a kite

It snowed today! Yay! Men, I love snow and the cold. When I took the pictures this morning, it wasn't even that cold as friday. A couple of hours later it starting to snow and it began to freeze. Glad I already had my pictures. It also snowed yesterday. Too bad I wasn't at my mom, otherwise the boyfriend (there will be pictures of him soon) would have dropped by, so we could walk through the snow. Oh maybe next time. And again, thank you all for the lovely comments! You have no idea how glad they make me.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Dress, American Vintage
Blouse, Designers Remix
Pearlnecklace, gift
Tights, Miss Sixty
Anklestraps, Fornarina
Headband, Can't remember
Scarf, Dept


Anonymous said...

Wow! Mooie foto's! Je poses zijn ook altijd zo mooi, je bent echt fotogeniek!

Wat een lieve comment op mijn site! Ik hoop dat ik de camera van mijn zus kan lenen, tot kerst en dan koop ik een nieuwe. Zag er eentje van Kodak, 8.2 mp voor 80 euro!

Je outfit is echt super ;) Je stijl is heel mooi en inspirerend!

x Rebecca

Unknown said...

cute outfit ...but also, phenomenal photos! what a beautiful backdrop!

Fannah said...

Ik vind je maillot/panty echt geweldig. Is het zilver ofzo? Anyway, hele mooie outfit! Ik ben ziek dus helaas kan ik niet van de sneeuw genieten, maar ook al hou ik daar wel van, ik ben een heel erge koukleum! Hihi.. x.

Anonymous said...

first of all thank for the sweetest really glad that you found my blog.i wonder how i didnt know about yours cause it's really really good.You have a new follower :]
and also i loooove what you're wearing!you have one of the cutest style i've ever seen.and the third photo is amazing<3
its so nice meeting you dear Sam.take care and see you later.
Lots of Love

Natalí said...

I love your outfit (like always).
It is so pretty and reminds me a little bit of Blair from Gossip girl, the thing is just ur are way much better!!

Anja said...

Vanaf vandaag "volg" ik je!(:

SOS! said...

I like your tights..

keira antoia rose said...

I love the outfit. It's so classy. I love the color scheme. The red scarf goes along beautifully. Looks like something I would see on the cover of Twilight hahahaha. I don't know why.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Anonymous social worker said...

THANKS for the comment, your skin tone and you platinum blonde hair look excellent against the snowy background, and it makes the sarf pop. really nice.

steffie said...

ik vind je 'witte' haar zo mooi, pat goed bij de sneeuw! x

Sharon said...

Hi there-lovely pictures and I love the dress and blouse, they work really well together! said...


I tell you thanks for having stopped my blog! ;)

I link your blog on my blog list! :D

Your blouse & dress are fantastic... Glamour girl! :)

xoxo: Janet

Lavender said...

The red scarf is perfect against the monochrome outfit and frosty landscape. Just gorgeous.

uneventriΔngle said...

ilove sneeuw, maar dan wel als
ik binnen zit hihi. Maargoed
echt super leuke foto's

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

beautiful outfit!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful: such a cute and girlie style!

Demi said...

I know, i'm so bad but i just can't help it! haha.
and wow, its sounds cool! :)
gorgeous backdrop, and i love your little bow!

Unknown said...

These are lovely as always! I love the pop of your red scarf against the outfit. And I love that you gallivant in heels in the frost.

Allie said...

I love the pop of red and the pearls!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

You look ahhhhmazing!
I've added you to my blog roll, definitely looking forward to checking in here every day, I love your style :)


In-tree-gue said...

these pictures are magnificent especially the second to last one

ooohmaureen said...

leuke outfit! Nou, bij ons op school waren allemaal van die 1e & 4e klassertjes die ijsballen tegen elkaar aan het gooien waren, en toevallig ook tegen de mensen die langs lopen (A) x

Ellie Lee said...

Love your pretty blue satin bow((: And your scarf's so fab!

Esmée said...

Leuke foto's heb je altijd! Die laat je altijd maken door iemand neem ik aan? Houd ook écht van de sneeuw, en wil je even complimenteren met je haar; so cute! Met die curly wurly krulletjes en de kleur staat je ook erg goed!


Esmée said...

Ik weet wat het is, ik heb zelf superlang stijl haar, en gebruik ook geregeld de stijltang alleen word het daar niet beter van:p

Echt knap dat je de foto's zo maakt! Ik zou wel meer outfitfoto's willen posten maar het lukt me altijd zó slecht om dat te doen, dus vaak word het alleen de aankopen zelf showen ipv hele outfitjes...


Reena Rai said...

Wow, amazing photos! They look like an editorial