And because I didn't wanted to do another one year anniversery post, I'm going to do all the left six months in this post. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you're going to get normal outfit posts again!
I posted an outfit post in the appearance of a little story and posted a lot of fashion show pictures. In that month my blog also began to get more readers! First I never got more than 10 comments on a post and now look at it! Some girl told me that my English was painfully limited, which I thought was ridiculous. You understand what I'm writing, right? I got my 2 first awards from Imelda, which made me so happy! And I went to a Mexican restaurant for the first time in my life with boyfriend and his family. It started to snow for the first time in the winter of 2008. And I got my new camera! A Sony DSLR-A350.
I got waaay too much shoes in one month (among my Stella McCartneys!). No wonder my shoe collection grows so quickly. We celebrated St. Nicolas here in the Netherlands and ofcourse Christmas! My favourite holiday ever. Evi came over for a weekend and we went to Amsterdam and rented some movies. Also ate too much candy. My mom and I decorated the christmas tree with our fish decorations. They're so funny. Went to the Viktor & Rolf exposition with school. Boyfriend turned 18. And it became 2009!

I got waaay too much shoes in one month (among my Stella McCartneys!). No wonder my shoe collection grows so quickly. We celebrated St. Nicolas here in the Netherlands and ofcourse Christmas! My favourite holiday ever. Evi came over for a weekend and we went to Amsterdam and rented some movies. Also ate too much candy. My mom and I decorated the christmas tree with our fish decorations. They're so funny. Went to the Viktor & Rolf exposition with school. Boyfriend turned 18. And it became 2009!
It's 2009 now and I had such a funny new years eve. Went to Amsterdam with boyfriend and bought way too much. Again. Oh well, I had the money. Found 4 postcards in the the style of the 30's. Bought again a bunch of clothes from and immediatly wore the new dresses. Plus I got a beautiful wallet and bag from them! And I started to do interviews with girls with amazing styles! Also got tired from the people that kept trying to bring me more sense, because I buy expensive shoes.
It's 2009 now and I had such a funny new years eve. Went to Amsterdam with boyfriend and bought way too much. Again. Oh well, I had the money. Found 4 postcards in the the style of the 30's. Bought again a bunch of clothes from and immediatly wore the new dresses. Plus I got a beautiful wallet and bag from them! And I started to do interviews with girls with amazing styles! Also got tired from the people that kept trying to bring me more sense, because I buy expensive shoes.
Since my room got changed I also wanted have some new accessories for it, so I went to a store in Putten for it. Also found some lovely things. I kind of did a post about books and my outfit and it became my most succesful post ever. And my boyfriend made photos for the blog for the first time. I made a new dress myself, from the pattern I made for school. And I got my first See by Chloé cardigan and dress.
Wore my first pair of Prada's and selfmade skirt again since like forever. I got the feeling my style got boring and way too similar. Did an Q&A post and got quite a lot questions. Also got my first pair of See by Chloé heeled sandals and they walk so comfortable! Showed the dress I made for school and still have to get it back. Made several dresses shorter and I did an outfitshot in the 'the girl who lived in her shoes' theme. Got the Miu Miu's I already wanted for almost over a year and won the style contest from
Wore my first pair of Prada's and selfmade skirt again since like forever. I got the feeling my style got boring and way too similar. Did an Q&A post and got quite a lot questions. Also got my first pair of See by Chloé heeled sandals and they walk so comfortable! Showed the dress I made for school and still have to get it back. Made several dresses shorter and I did an outfitshot in the 'the girl who lived in her shoes' theme. Got the Miu Miu's I already wanted for almost over a year and won the style contest from
It got official that I was going to Lowlands and it was finally getting warmer! Even warm enough to walk bare legged. Too bad that's over now. Went to Antwerp with school were I bough too much. Or at least something kind of expensive. With easter my mom went to the hospital, because she ripped here achilles tendon and the second day of easter I went to the family of my dad. My internship started and after that I kind of abandond my blog for a week.
love it al <33
This part is way much more difficult to choose a favourite!
But I think my fav are outfit nr 2, the 2 first from january, the first one from february and the second from April.
Love them all!!!
Amazing style!
I love your style honey! And I'm in love with every single outfit you've posted:))
I've been watching you since January, when I've launched my blog:)
Nice catch up! Love your outfits as always! I really cannot choose a favourite, bc they're all fabulous!
I want to raid your wardrobe so bad!
You have the most beautiful collection of dresses and shoes.
La Vita e Bella is one of my favourite movies. So sad, funny and beautiful all at the same time.
All of these outfits are beautiful! I would love to see your wardrobe, it must be awesome :P
love all the outfits:)and the real story that you write for every month:)and your english is not bad at all.
Sam, ben echt helemaal weg van je see by chloe vestjes! waar heb je ze gekocht? en die combinatie van augustus met de blazer staat je ook geel goed
xxx Regina
Ik vind je jurkjes zo geweldig! :D Als je een jurkjes lijn begint dan ben ik fan nr 1 :D
op een goede tweede blog jaar
HI I just discovered your blog. Nice outfit and style! I love your haircut!!! And such great colors on your outfits!!
I love the recap, and the outfits all over again :)
Also, love seeing the shoes (and screw people who complain about the money you spend on shoes!?!!? hello, is it their money??)
have a lovely day :)
aaaah! these photos are gorgeous! they just kept getting better as i scrolled down. i especially like the ones with the books (i like books). and the stuffed animals (i also like stuffed animals). keep rocking the hairbows :P
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