Friday, July 10, 2009

The top 10!

This was really really hard to choose. Seriously. I'm also feeling like a mean girl that I can't choose everyone. And everyone have sended in beautiful outfits! They were all really pretty! If it comes up to me everyone would be posted here with their outfit! But that isn't really fair and the intention. But there is such a funny thing, you're all so cute!Seriously, I have so many cute readers! ^^

But I came up with a top 10. I said I wouldn't let my personal taste get in the way while choosing a top 10. And I didn't, really. I choose the ones that have a good photo, so you can see everything properly without the thought 'what is that..?'. I looked if the outfit fitted the person, if it didn't looked 'made'. Ofcourse I can't be sure if it fits the person, but I judge from what I can see.

Please don't be mad at me if your favorite outfit didn't made it here. I still really liked it!

I know looking at it is fun, but please, don't forget to vote! The girl with the most votes will be posted here on my blog with more photos of her style and some questions that she answered!
So seriously, don't forget it!


I don't care if you're in a hurry, just type the number of the girl you like the most in the commentbox and send it! I don't care if you don't speak English, just vote! How do you mean I want all of you to vote? Just do it!

Yes, now, FINALLY, the top 10 is going to be posted!

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Number 1 is Yishyene!
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Number 2 is Cait!
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Number 3 is Heleen!
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Number 4 is Suzanne!
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Number 5 is Anja
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Number 6 is Aisling!
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Number 7 is Ariella!
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Number 8 is Lily!
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Number 9 is Sarah!
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Number 10 is Eli!

That was the top 10 and now VOTE!!! =D


Anonymous said...

I love the first one :).

Tessa said...

first one :]

Evi said...

De eerste!

Bianka said...

I love Ariella's style - number 7 :)

Wasted Wishes said...


Amy // The Girl In The Bowler Hat said...

I love number 7 :)

Anonymous said...

The 9th :]

Unknown said...

Numero uno!

Anonymous said...

Ariella!!! i love her the picture too :)

heleen said...

Ow ik zit erbij, haha.
Mooiste outfit vind ik nummer 7 - niet alleen is het een prachtig jurkje, ook het tasje vind ik superschattig.

Tess said...

I really like number 5, Anja! It's a simple outfit, but it's looks really good on her!

(ik dacht: ik doe 't even in het engels, dan kunnen anderen het ook lezen, leuk bedacht, zo'n top 10!)

Jennifer said...

Nummer 7. Waarom. Ik. Vind dr jurkje echt geweldig

margriet said...

nummer 7 =D

Eli said...

thank you so much Sam!

Maria Confer said...

All so wonderful!!

I vote for number 3!

Anonymous said...


beckylou said...

oh nr 7! (Suz) said...

haha, wat leuk dat ik erbij zit, op deze foto zie je mijn outfit wel beter ja.
maar ik stem: cait!

Lisa said...

oeh ik kan niet kiezen xD hmm... nummer 9, sarah

Anonymous said...


HoneyBunny said...

nr 2;D

anne said...


jimena said...

I vote for number 1

DaisyChain said...

everyone of them is gorgeous, but I'm voting for 7

Dodo said...

Number 1! <3 the photo and even the blue/red combination :]

piglet said...

Oh I keep changing my mind, but I'm going to vote 7!

kimvee said...

I love the first one :)

Anonymous said...

6 is my favorite :)

Sarah =) said...

Omg I'm actually on here... thank you! :) I'm not voting because it would be biased lol.

Kellie said...

I like number 2! It's adorable! :D

Greta said...

number two - that dress is gorgeous. :)

Katie said...



nummero 7

Anja said...

ooh,wat leuk dat ik erbij zit.

Anonymous said...

Ik vind ze allemaal heel mooi, maar ik kies toch voor Cait! Number two!

Caithlin said...

It's so hard to choose! Okay, but I'm going to vote for number 9. Her outfit is just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Nr 1

Nicky said...

Ik zeg nummer vijf.

chelsea said...

Number 7, Ariella.

Ruxandra said...

number 7:)

Laura said...

My vote goes to Number 7 Ariella! I love the photography in it aswell. Ariella to win :)

Anonymous said...

I'm saying number 10!

Rebecca said...

I'm going to do with number 2!

Marie said...

love that look and her style. this is CUTE!

Sasi said...

It's too difficult, I've gor four faves!!!

Let's say 7!

The High Heel Times said...

This pretty much is a tough one! Four or six? Let it be...four, since this will be her first vote!

Kati said...

Number 9!

Rose said...

Yishyene (No. 1) for me! :D

melly said...

#1 is my vote!

Ais said...

oh wat leuk! (ik sta er tussen :) )
ik stem zelf voor nr. 7 (kan toch geen kwaad ze is al zo vaak genoemd!) wat een schattig meisje : ) x

Kaita said...

Number 1!

Anonymous said...

De eerste!! xD


Unknown said...

Aw, thank you for featuring me, dear :)

I'm voting for number two.

Little Bow Prep said...

Oh, they are all so great!

I pick 7.

Anonymous said...


Olga said...

Ik stem op nummer 6 ^^ ik kan mijn nummer 1 daily natuurlijk niet negeren in zo'n wedstrijd, haha.

Anonymous said...


Janny said...


Anonymous said...

nummer 4

Damsels said...

my vote goes to Number 4 Suzanne

The FourOhSeven said...

gaaaf allemaal. nr 7 is toch wel het leukste

Lily Zemuner said...

Glad you choose me!!!

My vote: #1

Debbie Shiamay said...

Omg theyre all so good...

but im goin with #7 !!

Naiala Ferreira said...

Number 8 Lyli!

Anonymous said...

number 8 - Lilly

Carlinha Fernandes said...

Number 8

nayarac. said...

number 8!!!
Lily is wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Number 8 Lily!!

Anonymous said...

N. 8 - Lily!

Anonymous said...

Number 7/Ariella!!!

Anonymous said...

Number 7/Ariella!!!

Fernanda Alves said...

I vote for Lily!

JINX said...

your site is so nice...i'm hooked i love what you bring to fashion blog'n


Katla said...

I love the outfit no. 7 is wearing!

electric_purple said...

can i vote twice! i cannot decide between ariella and yishyene but all of the girls are beautiful!

Marmelindela said...

Nummer 2!

Bree said...

Ariella number 7 is my favorite.

riana said...

this is hard but nomber 1!

Cait said...

so sweet of you to choose mine, I'll vote for number 7, hers is darling!

Cammila said...

What a bunch of gorgeous responses! I love that each girl has such a unique vision.

It's a tough choice, but I vote for Eli. :)

Anonymous said...

Number 1, Yishyene!

Deveria estar estudando said...


Vanessa said...

this is a toughy, its between #2 and #7 ... i guess i'll have to say #2

siel said...

pff difficult

1 I gess

Nanette said...

Hihi, they're all so darling! I must go with number 7 though!

Shen-Shen said...

Aw man, I didn't get to enter this!

Anyways, I vote 2!

Ilse said...

NUMBER 1 NUMBER 1 :D she's fabulous.

Balancebeam said...

Nee, toch 1!
Ow en als je nog n wedstrijd gaat houden laat het me weten!
Dan doe ik mee haha

- said...
