This year started with shopping in Amsterdam with boyfriend! Got a lot of new stuff. I went to The House of Viktor & Rolf in December where I made a lot of photo's and showed them to you.
I wore one of the dresses I bought in Amsterdam and it was my favorite dress of that month! Got about 3 new pairs of shoes that month and bought way too many clothes from Ilovevintage.nl. Huge addiction.
I started with doing interviews with very stylish girls and got new things for my room. Got 2 new pair of shoes among a pair Dr. Martens. Made a new dress for myself and showed my shoe collection. For the rest nothing interesting happened that month.
March was the month were I posted the most this year. After that it just all went downhill. I got that month again a lot of new dresses from Ilovevintage.nl. I was craving over a dress from Heaven & Earth which I still got in the end! Got my first pair of See by Chloé heels and finished a dress for school. Also got a pair of Miu Miu's and a pair of Prada's that month. Always wanted those Miu Miu's in May of 2008 but didn't bought them then. And I won the style contest on Ilovevintage and got a giftcard from them where I bought (another) dress from.
March was the month were I posted the most this year. After that it just all went downhill. I got that month again a lot of new dresses from Ilovevintage.nl. I was craving over a dress from Heaven & Earth which I still got in the end! Got my first pair of See by Chloé heels and finished a dress for school. Also got a pair of Miu Miu's and a pair of Prada's that month. Always wanted those Miu Miu's in May of 2008 but didn't bought them then. And I won the style contest on Ilovevintage and got a giftcard from them where I bought (another) dress from.
That was the month my internship started and that I went to Antwerp with school. Got 4 pairs of shoes that month. Geez, a lot... It started to get warm outside again and we could walk around with bare legs and arms. And I was still waiting for my bed. I also found out that Cameron Diaz had the same shoes as me, haha.

That was the month my internship started and that I went to Antwerp with school. Got 4 pairs of shoes that month. Geez, a lot... It started to get warm outside again and we could walk around with bare legs and arms. And I was still waiting for my bed. I also found out that Cameron Diaz had the same shoes as me, haha.
That was the month my blog existed exactly one year! It was also the month my internship was busy and I was tired a lot and didn't really posted much.
Bought again a lot of dresses from Ilovevintage.nl and got my first pair of Viktor & Rolf wedges! Also got 2 other pair of shoes. Too many shoes... Did an interview with Stephanie, who's kind of my style icon!

That was the month my blog existed exactly one year! It was also the month my internship was busy and I was tired a lot and didn't really posted much.
Bought again a lot of dresses from Ilovevintage.nl and got my first pair of Viktor & Rolf wedges! Also got 2 other pair of shoes. Too many shoes... Did an interview with Stephanie, who's kind of my style icon!
In that month my dad painted my room without my permission. In the meantime I already got used to it, but at the moment itself I wasn't so pleased with it. Had some problems at school with some girls and felted an outcast. I still do actually, but it doesn't bother me anymore. Ordered again a huge amount of clothes on Ilovevintage.nl (I think you can compare this addiction to smoking) and I went to Evi for a long weekend. Saw The Proposal with her and we both laughed our behinds off.

In that month my dad painted my room without my permission. In the meantime I already got used to it, but at the moment itself I wasn't so pleased with it. Had some problems at school with some girls and felted an outcast. I still do actually, but it doesn't bother me anymore. Ordered again a huge amount of clothes on Ilovevintage.nl (I think you can compare this addiction to smoking) and I went to Evi for a long weekend. Saw The Proposal with her and we both laughed our behinds off.
The first thing that happened in July was a disastrous haircut. Way too short. Though it was good for my hair, I wasn't pleased with it. But it was nice when I was in Italy, due to the hot weather! Did a lot of shopping there with Evi, since Evi and I went on vacation together. Also got 3 pair of new shoes. They were all in the sale. I held a favorite outfit contest and Ariella was the winner.

The first thing that happened in July was a disastrous haircut. Way too short. Though it was good for my hair, I wasn't pleased with it. But it was nice when I was in Italy, due to the hot weather! Did a lot of shopping there with Evi, since Evi and I went on vacation together. Also got 3 pair of new shoes. They were all in the sale. I held a favorite outfit contest and Ariella was the winner.
August was all about London and Lowlands! I went a long weekend to London (where I got a pair of amazing Miu Miu ankleboots) with my dad and I went to Lowlands with boyfriend. August was seriously the best month of this year. It was vacation, I went to one of my favorite cities, shopped at the Dahlia store where I bought a lot and went to my favorite festival with boyfriend where we saw my favorite artist Lily Allen! I still want that month back... Even though I go a huge cold because of the cold nights at Lowlands. At the end of August school started again *sigh*.

August was all about London and Lowlands! I went a long weekend to London (where I got a pair of amazing Miu Miu ankleboots) with my dad and I went to Lowlands with boyfriend. August was seriously the best month of this year. It was vacation, I went to one of my favorite cities, shopped at the Dahlia store where I bought a lot and went to my favorite festival with boyfriend where we saw my favorite artist Lily Allen! I still want that month back... Even though I go a huge cold because of the cold nights at Lowlands. At the end of August school started again *sigh*.
In September I did a Q&A post and got a lot of questions which I was happy to answer! I had still a lot of old outfits to show, so because of that I didn't made a lot of new outfit shots. Went to the beach with my dad and he took outfit shots for me for the first time! I showed how my room looks and boyfriend got a new kitten called 'Anna'. She was so cute, now she's just aggressive in a fun way. And at the 29th of September it was my birthday! I turned 18. So old... But I did got my Givenchy ankleboots for my birthday!

In September I did a Q&A post and got a lot of questions which I was happy to answer! I had still a lot of old outfits to show, so because of that I didn't made a lot of new outfit shots. Went to the beach with my dad and he took outfit shots for me for the first time! I showed how my room looks and boyfriend got a new kitten called 'Anna'. She was so cute, now she's just aggressive in a fun way. And at the 29th of September it was my birthday! I turned 18. So old... But I did got my Givenchy ankleboots for my birthday!
In October I celebrated my birthday in Amsterdam with my family and boyfriend's parents + brother. I got the best cake ever! I still want a second piece from that cake... I ordered a lot of things on Asos.com from Dahlia from my birthday money! And some things on the official Dahlia site. Showed more photo's that I made in London and boyfriend helped me making outfit shots.

In October I celebrated my birthday in Amsterdam with my family and boyfriend's parents + brother. I got the best cake ever! I still want a second piece from that cake... I ordered a lot of things on Asos.com from Dahlia from my birthday money! And some things on the official Dahlia site. Showed more photo's that I made in London and boyfriend helped me making outfit shots.
November was so busy with school. Full of stress. That was why I had such a problem with making photo's and posting new things. I shortened several dresses and finally wore my butterflies tights here on my blog! Got a pair of new Viktor & Rolf booties and also already bought my Christmas present, because my dad didn't had the time.
November was so busy with school. Full of stress. That was why I had such a problem with making photo's and posting new things. I shortened several dresses and finally wore my butterflies tights here on my blog! Got a pair of new Viktor & Rolf booties and also already bought my Christmas present, because my dad didn't had the time.
And now here we are in the last month! Another month full with stress and worries. Didn't bought a lot, but what I bought I absolutely loved. Got a beautiful new desk and got 3 pair of shoes this month. It snowed soooo bad and travelling by or bus was hell. Evi was here for a long weekend and that was the best weekend of whole December!
And ofcourse there was Christmas! After Christmas boyfriend and I went shopping in Amsterdam.
And ofcourse there was Christmas! After Christmas boyfriend and I went shopping in Amsterdam.
Happy new year to everyone!!!
Be careful ;)
Be careful ;)
You mentioned that you had some trouble with some girls at your school, and that you felt like an outcast. I just wanted to say that those girls are jealous and that I really admire you for having the guts to wear what you like! Everytime I visit your blog and I'm like I need to start to wear the things I like and not care about what people say! So keep doing your thing because you're really an inspiration for me and thousands of other girls!
Lots of love.
oh wat is je stijl toch cute en je schoenen collectie om te jaloers van te worden!
gelukkig 2010 :)
Je ziet er echt zo'n lief ponponnenmeisje uit (positief) Lichtroze past trouwens supergoed bij je! :) Happy New Year btw x
All your outfits are so sweet and you definitely have an incredible shoe collection.
I think this is my favorite "2009 round-up" that I've seen so far! :) Amazing pictures from an amazing year! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us in 2010! Have a very happy new year!
Hi, it's funny to see how you look into the camera when you're boyfriend made those pictures (october). You look more sensual, like you're looking at him. I thinks the other pictures are made by someone else or made with a self-timer. Or am I wrong? :-)
Have fun in 2010 and make us jealous again with your fantastic outfits!!
Greetings from Rotterdam.
I love your blog! We do have the same Ilovevintage-addiction haha. And your shoecollection is amaaaazing!! ;-) Keep up doing what makes you happy. Have a brilliant 2010!
Excellent post. You are so stylish all year round and I can't explain how much I love all your outfits. Your beautiful. Happy new year. I hope that 2010 is happy and successful for you.
Wow! Die schoenencollectie van jouw is echt fantastisch! En je stijl is ook een beetje verandert, maar toch altijd mooi gebleven!
Ik wens je een spetterend 2010 en een goede gezondheid uiteraard,
xxx Rebecca
lovely recap, you have great outfits and even greater shoes!
happy new year!
all ur outfits are perfect!
happy,lucky and colorful 2010!
Leuk overzicht, je hebt echt een lieve uitstraling en een super leuke kledingstijl!
Oh, my! I just have found your blog and I've failed in love with it! I've loose all the 2009, but I'll follow you on 2010!!
Happy New Year!
Awesome post, nice to see the whole year in pictures again. You've bought some amazing shoes this year, that's for sure!
I wish you a very happy new year!
Such a lovely year :)
Hello Friend, I love love love your blog, it‘s very interesting!!! I really like your style!! i‘ll visit you many times for sure honey.
ik vind dat je er op elke foto fabulous uitziet, zoals altijd. ;) xoxo
Gorgeous, all time. Love your style!
Kirke - www.cicucoco.blogspot.com
Wauw, stuk voor stuk geweldige outfits :)
Trouwens, het valt me op dat jij heel vaak een panty draagt, heb jij dan ook geen last van pluis om sommige plaatsen? Dan heb je zeg maar een 'donkerder' pluizig stukje (of meerdere) op je panty... Ik heb daar namelijk altijd last van en vraag me dan of hoe andere mensen die ze vaak dragen dat voorkomen ofzo :) of ben ik de enige, of negeren ze het gewoon?
im so in love with your blog!
i love shoes, i love books, i love victor&rolf, fashion, clothe making and all stuff - your blog is exactly what i was searching for ;)
where do you study?
love, caroline.
Wat heb jij een leuke stijl! Echt je EIGEN stijl, ik vind het geweldig! en ik ben jaloers op je schoenen collectie!
wat een superleuk post zeg!
en die meisjes ik voel me ook heel vaak asof ik er niet bijhoor (hoor er ook niet bij :P)
maargoed als je maat lol hebt
What a year!!! love all your looks but my favorite piece: those boots from January! WOW!! Happy 2010!
Cris at
Jij ook een gelukkig nieuwjaar! En je nieuwe aankoopjes zijn ook super leuk!
(ps wist je trouwens dat op asos dahlia jurkjes in de sale zijn? Omdat je daar tegenwoordig gek van ben dacht ik ik zeg het even!)
I love your style, its so cute with skirts and bows! And my gosh I truely envy your shoe collection"
x Sophie
Happy new year :)
Heerlijke post, hou echt van de outfits-van-het-jaar posts!
gorgeous darling
wonderful inspiration, great
refreshing and cool blog as always, keep it up
thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments
great collection of clothes and shoes. nice pictures.
happy new year...your style is great!! love your blog
link exchange?
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
Totally in love with your blog and your preppy style!!!
What amazing shoes you have!!!
You're bf is cuuuute....! And you look great! Can I borrow your boy sometimes?
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