My Topshop order arrived yesterday! And damn, that lace dress and the floral dress are short!

Please excuse me for the past week. It was my intention to post something new, but I got sick Wednesday. Lied on my bed for several days. And I wanted to make some new photo's today, but due to a lot of school work it just stayed an idea. I hope I can post a new outfit tomorrow!
Got addicted to Pixie Lott, don't listen to anything else. Here's a song from her that kind of describes my situation now. Not literally of course.
Got addicted to Pixie Lott, don't listen to anything else. Here's a song from her that kind of describes my situation now. Not literally of course.
I'm in love with your order! En zo stom dat ik niet alles doorgespit heb toen ik in Engeland was :O Kan niet wachten het aan te zien! :]
Hey Sam,
Lucky U!
Those platforms are perfect for any girl who is huge fan of 70's style. So me! :-D
P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Three Birds Designs giveaway!♥
Good luck!
Oeoeoeoeh. De schoenen zien er gewoon nog mooier uit dan op de topshop site.
very cute pieces...absolutely you!!! enjoy them!
Cris at
Ohhh these look lovely! Can't wait to see them on you!
Great artist! I think I will be addicted to Pixie's music now too!
Nice Haul!!
iish, how short is the floral dress?I´m still waiting for mine to
I love Topshop! You'll look adorable in these orders, they're lovely! :)
Hope you feel better soon!
aah nice, ik ben heeeel erg benieuwt naar een aanfoto van de platforms!
Beautiful purchases I like them all, especially the white shoes and the floral dress. My last order from Modcloth had two dresses that were way too short and I have no idea what to do with them.
love the lace dress!
Ahh, I really love the dress with flowers!
Ja ik had dat ook echt! Ik wil zo graag die Chloés en die Comme des Garcons maar ze zijn te groot. Nouja eigenlijk kan ik ze toch van je-lang-zal-ze-leven-niet-betalen. Laten we zeggen dat het fijn is voor mijn bankrekening dat ze te groot zijn...
ben benieuwd naar outfitfoto's van je nieuwe kleren!
Hier word ik blij van! Je suis jaloers!! ;-) Vervelend dat je ziek was... Hoop dat je je snel weer helemaal goed voelt!
Heel leuke spullen die je gekocht hebt! Die bloemenjurk vind ik echt enorm mooi!
oh my
lucky you
these things look much better than in the photo !
het is allemaal zo mooi! maar het jasje/vestje en de bruine schoentjes zijn favoriet!
I want to see them on you! But I can tell they're beautiful already, all of them..
This must be heaven to have tons of new clothes and shoes around you!
Get well soon!
i dont see the boots on topshop? do you have a link? is that where you got them?
Such sweet, feminine colors and textures! Your taste is flawless. :)
(Also: hooray for more Pixie!)
I'm so jealous of your purchases, they're amazing!
I'm also in love with Pixie Lott, amazing girl with amazing style.
Theory of a fashion victim
Ik ben benieuwd naar aanfoto's!
Prachtige aankopen en idd, Topshop valt vrij kort maar dat vind ik juist wel leuk!
Die schoentjes zijn zooooo mooi!!! Ik wilde ze ook...:)
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