Saturday, December 27, 2008

Little break

I had a very nice christmas! My dad and I went to Amsterdam, to the Amstel Hotel to drink something. I felted so misplaced! Like the Dutch Gossip Girl or something... All those girls of my age with expensive clothes and beautiful hair. Not my kind of thing (except for the shoes). Later my dad and I went for a little tour through Amsterdam to make some pictures. It was fun. We got sushi and when it was 10:00 pm we wanted icecream. But we didn't had icecream in our house. We drove to six filling stations and all were closed. But the seventh one was open! Lucky number we seven. And we had icecream! Yummy. The next day the family came over for dinner. That was also very nice and we had a lot of fun.

Today was my boyfriends birthday. He turned 18. That sounds so old! But I'm also already 17. Everything is going by so fast... It almost freaks me out. I also have this blog since may and I'm already a 1,5 year busy with my education. And it's already the end of 2008! Yesterday it was only january and I 16. But because of everything happening now, I'm taking a little break. For a week or something ( don't even know if I can hold on to that. I think I will be posting the day after tomorrow that I'm bored and I just want to blog..). I'm also not feeling like blogging lately. Maybe because I never took a break or so. Well, not voluntarily. I'm also a bit uninspirationless. I don't know what to wear and since I started to change my room, my overview of my clothes is missing. The only thing wearable on my room now, are my shoes. I can't find anything and it's just a little annoying. But now I mentioned changing my room.. My room is gorgous now! I love to be there. The only thing missing are the perfect matching furniture. But that will come later. Hmm... It wasn't my intention to write this much. But after this long read, I'll post my outfit for today. I wore my grandmother blouse, that I almost haven't worn for about a year! How dare I? I'm going to end this post now... It's getting pretty late and I'm tired of the past 3 busy days.

I also hope you all had a very nice christmas and I also hope that you're going to start the new year lucky, save and healthy (and with your great fashionsense)!
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I was kind of feeling like a doll
(and there's a little sneak peek of my new wallpaper and floor)
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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Blouse, vintage
Skirt, selfmade
Waistbelt, vintage
Tights, Steps
Anklestraps, Fornarina
Bow, six


beckylou said...

oh zo een mooie blouse, echt super
ik heb je een award gegeven
maak er een leuke vakantie van!

renéesturme. said...

Je haar is prachtig!

Anonymous said...

you've been tagged, my dear!

Anja said...

Je eerste foto is zo mooi. Echt net een poppetje.

Anonymous said...

ik hou van je fotos!
echt superleuke outfit

Anonymous said...

I love the first picture ^^.

Q's Daydream said...

Time does go so fast! 18 is really very young though. I'm 23 and when I was 17 I thought it seemed so old, but now I still feel like a youngin'...haha! You look adorable as always like a doll! :o)

Demi said...

you look gorgeous, and your room is amazing! plleaseeee give us a tour with photos sometime! :)

and have a nice break - I know what you mean, I don't feel like blogging later either, I think its because christmas wears you out!!


Taylor said...

very cute outfit.
your room looks similar to mine, geometrically.

Esmée said...

Mooi outfit again;) Vind je stijl juist superleuk! En je zou best tussen al die 'gossip girls' kunnen als blair;)


Gedankenlos said...

your outfit looks awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog-design is really adorable. Nice outfit too!

Demi said...

I gave you an award honey! :)

Demi said...

aww thank you so much honey!
you're so lovely

Anonymous said...

This may sound silly, but I would love to see photos of your newly decorated bedroom. I have a thing for bedrooms. I think bedrooms are one thing that is really personal and I am trying to get some inspiration.

saray said...

love the outfit!
the floral top is so cute


sam look like a doll!!thanks for the sweet comment, made my day!
how was amsterdam? i wish i could take a trip there!and oh goodness i wish i was 17 again! embrace ur youth (not that im that much older than you) but time flies by! really!

hope u have a great new years, any special plans? a special dress?


Lexie said...

i hope your break does not last too long!

i'm glad you had a merry christmas, and happy birthday to your beau!

yiqin; said...

The whole ensemble is so chic!! The tights are awesome! Happy birthday to your boyf! :)

Nele said...

Super mooi!!

Dat jij dat kan :D


p.s. Kijk mijn blog eens :D

Anonymous said...

Fabulous outfit as always! That blouse is sooo pretty.

Yulan said...

je ziet er gewoon perféct uit. wow!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as always! I hope your boy had a great birthday. I always like to change my furniture around at the beginning of the year. Just a little change goes a long way.

Angela said...

You LOOK like a precious doll!

Your outfit is incredibly pretty !
Hope you have an amazing 2009!

What is Reality Anyway? said...

perfect tights x

Zoë said...

you look adorable!
i love the skirt

Anonymous said...

Je ziet er weer eens fenomenaal uit! Wow! Geweldige rok!

Ik ben een paar daagjes bij mijn opa en oma blijven slapen, en ik heb echt je blog gemist!

Ben benieuwd naar de foto's van A'dam!

Veel liefs en prettige jaarwisseling,
Veel liefs Rebecca

Imelda said...

Je ziet er super uit! De outfit is perfect en je haar is nog perfecter!
Ik hoop dat je snel terug post! Maar geniet van de blog-break, ik geniet er soms ook van :)
En ik wens je geweldig nieuw jaar toe!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

a lovely blouse!
Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

x Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Wauw, geweldige outfit! Ook heel cute ^^