Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You can't go smell teenagers

I had such an amazing weekend! Except for saturday. That day I spended the half day in bed. Still felted a bit sick, but that's over now! Except for the ringing ears and an itchy throat. But last sunday Evi was here. I had so much fun and I'm sure she did too! First we looked through my dresses, because I had no idea of what to wear. I didn't liked anything. I actually don't like any of my clothes lately. But after some time I wore... JEANS! Weird, huh? Well, actually, the jeans came till my calf. So it wasn't a real jeans. I must say that it was kinda liberated. No fear for dresses that are blowing up at windy days. And I could sit how I wanted, without paying attention if no one could see my underwear! No worries, I sat civil.

But Evi and I went to the cinema! To the film '17 again', with Zac Efron. I've never been a fan of him or his looks. But now I do have to admit that he looks kinda good. But he can't top boyfriend, haha. But Evi and I laughed so much. The film was really hilarious! If you haven't seen it, go see it! It also included the sentence:'you can't go smell teenagers!'. Seriously, it was genious. I think that sentence is the best one I've ever heard! After the film we walked back to the train station, where we missed our train for such a stupid reason. We though it wasn't our train, until we realised that the train already should had been arrived. Apparently that train was our train. So we had to wait another 30 minutes. With a lot of laughters. Oh, I already miss her! Good things she goes with us to Italy!

Yesterday I was also free and it was really warm. About 28 degrees celcius. First I went to walk the dog at about 1 o'clock. Got a new electric toothbrush. The old one is broken and immediatly got an icecream. Also bought a bottle of water for Odie. The poor thing was so warm that he didn't wanted to walk anymore. So I gave him some water and also threw it over him a bit. He wasn't so pleased with that, but he walked again! When we got home, I gave the dog a bath and he ran around like a crazy person after it! He did liked that, haha. But I lied a bit in the sun. Only after a while it got too hot and I went inside again. Cleaned up my room (there were over 40 dresses lying on my floor) and I cleaned up my closet. I found so much old crap. Threw a lot away, but also found some really handy things. In the evening boyfriend came over and that was also fun. We bought, or should say I, an icecream and we walked the dog. Even at 10 PM it was still warm! Until last night... Oh god, it stormed like hell! For some photos you can see the next post! But because of the storm and the lightening, the whole train traffic was disorganized. It took me 3 hours to get to my internship. Normally a small hour!

But now, after a long talk, here's my outfit from yesterday. Even though I changed my shoes when I walked the dog...
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Dress, H&M
Waistbelt, vintage
Pumps with anklestrap, Fornarina
Bow, Six


kimvee said...

I really like your anklestrap pumps, very cute! :)

Eyeliah said...

Oh you have such a great little waist here!
p.s, added you to my blogroll today :-)

Baśka said...

wonderful dress!

Rain said...

Sam, Love your dress!

I wish you had posted a pic of you wearing jeans :)


Anonymous said...

Mooie outfit! Je ziet er echt mooi uit en die kleuren staan je echt goed!

DaisyChain said...

I loveeee your dress, and shoes, of course.

Anonymous said...

I love the dress :).

Marmelindela said...

Leuk! Die riem is cool.

Heb je misschien toevallig een ieniemini tip voor mij om mijn layout een beetje oké te krijgen? Ik krijg het niet voor elkaar, ik snap niet hoe de html zit bij blogger. x

Cindy Khor said...

you look very pretty with brown... it just brings out your skin tone nicely... and the pumps are just delicate..

Helen said...

the shoes are so cute! but yes, not suitable for dog walking haha.

Sasi said...

Fabulous outfit, I love every piece you're wearing.

Kati said...

I really like your dress!

Fashionisaparty.com (Suz) said...

super leuk! de combinatie van bruin en zwart vind ik juist heel mooi.

Anonymous said...

Thank you... I love the blue skirt and the blouse... I think both are two of my best purchases ever ;).

andrea said...


Little Bow Prep said...

Darling dress and heels!


love your ladylike shoes

kwinst said...

i love it!

elena-lu said...

sounds like you had tons of fun! and yes he is pretty darn cute that mr efron! cant deny it!
glad you changed the shoes for the walk but wow those are some gorgeous shoes!!!

Anonymous said...

i love your hair!!<3

Argentina said...

love love love your shoes.