Friday, October 9, 2009

I feel bad... And sad

Oh man, I got such an amazing invite a few weeks ago. I was invited to go to the Antwerpen fashion weekend with more bloggers. First I wanted to go, but due to a lot of schoolwork this weekend I canceled it. I still can't afford it to go away this weekend, but now I read on Renee's blog that she's off to Antwerpen and that Alix (cherryblossomgirl ofcourse), Susie (stylebubble), Frassy also are going and more! And I'm feeling so bad right now. I really really really really want to go now!!! And I just can't. I hate school. Seriously. Maybe someone an idea how I can make myself feel better?


Darrah said...

I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm so happy to hear someone else is going through the same struggles I am! I'm missing all these fun fashion events, but I have to make sure school is my number one priority! I would have skipped class to go to that even with Susie though!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm going to sound motherly but honestly, what I'm about to tell you ~ well, I wish I would have taken this thought very seriously back when I was your age....Let me just say this is coming from a very good place too:)

The truth is that you are fabulously young and you will have many more fabulous opportunities to seek, conquer, and destroy. You may hate school, but what you learn now...what you take away from it; will indeed help you tremendously when you are in your 20's, 30's...heck, your whole life.

Don't rush anything ~ even though I remember how hard that was for me;)...focus on what you have to do now - trust me, you will never regret it. The Buddhist monks always talk about how in having your mind wander too much; one prevents themselves the opportunity to fully live in the moment you find yourself in currently.

Heed these words. I know it's frustrating...everybody wants to be fabulous and in fabulous settings...but be confident in knowing that you will have one hundred bajillion opportunities in the future and when these opportunities do pop up; the timing will be absolutely perfect.

Sam said...

@ Darrah
You are defenitely not the only one... I want to go so badly but I have just too muh work to do... And now I'm going to miss Alix. Gosh, I feel bad

@ Anoniem
Thanks for you words... And you're right, there are still going to be more amazing opportunities, but these girls who are going are on of my most favorite bloggers and it would have been so amazing if I met them... And I don't hate school! I really don't, but just at the moment because I can't go because of all the work they give me.
But thanks again..

Jess said...

Hoop dat je je snel weer wat prettiger voelt.


Marie said...

Bah, that is sooo typical, something getting in the way!
But more opertinities will come :)
Feel better soon!

Mo said...

oo im sorry... it's ALWAYS like that right? you always have to make decisions like that. And you were serious enough to pick school even if it feel so sucky. Of course it was a great opportunity but im sure you'll have more !!! Don't torture yourself, you're so sweet and have such a great blog, you'll get more invits like that !! now that you made your decision, try not to think about it anymore, there is no point. Like Robbie Williams sings "no regrets, they don't work, no regrets now they only hurt" ... hope you'll feel better !

Anonymous said...

Volgende keer zal je er wel bij zijn :)

Anonymous said...

Wat jammer dat je niet meekan! Maar er komt vast nog wel eens zo'n kans!

Anonymous said...

aaah echt heel erg jammer ja! maar ja, er komen meer kansen, zoals iedereen zegt :)
Het is in ieder geval een hele eer dat je uitgenodigd bent!
en verder is mijn beste tip: chocola, veeel chocola.