Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So happy!!

Finally! My dresses are here! My new, cute, lovely vintage dresses. And not to forget my new vintage boots! Oh my gosh, I love them so much. One pair is white and the other is more a liver colour. I thought the second pair were more beige, but on the picture at Ilovevintage, the colour was lighter. But actually I like the liver colour more than the beige. I can combine it more with my other dresses. Or skirts.

But I immediately had to wear the dresses and boots and I really had to show them to my mother. The first time when she saw them, that was when I got them out of the box, she said that she thought that they were grandmother dresses. And I was like why?! I was rather shocked. But when I pulled them on, she changed her mind and said that they actually were cute though. So I was like 'Ha! Told you that they were fabulous'. And she agreed with me. But the blue dress I got, was a little to long. So I shorted a bit. Now it looks better after my opinion.

How the dress first was

Blue Roses dress, custemized vintage
Waisbelt, vintage from Antwerp
Boots, vintage

Starting Penn dress, vintage
Waistbelt, vintage
Necklace, can't remember
Boots, vintage


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I like both looks. The dress and boots are lovely.

renéesturme. said...

Die heb ik nog op de site gezet, die jurk ;) Mooi hoe je hem korter hebt gemaakt.

Waarom zou je trouwens geen korte broek aan kunnen trekken?

Imelda said...

Ik vind beide jurken echt super leuk!