Friday, January 16, 2009

You've said I must eat so many lemons, because I am so bitter

At first I'm sorry for that I'm not posting so much lately. I'm still not feeling like blogging lately (no worries, I'm not going to stop with it!). I think it's because I don't know what to wear lately and everytime when I get home, it's already dark. I'm trying to post more, but everytime when I want to post, there's happening something. So I think that the best solution for now is, that I'm not going to post every day or 2 days, but when I do post ( at least 2/3 times a week) I will post a lot.
And now some other things!
  • I'm going to 'Oorlogs winter' tonight. In English it is 'War winter'. It's about WW2. In some way that have always been interesting to me. When I was little, I always asked my grandpa to tell me stories about that time. How he survived and all.
  • I think I'm going to interview some girls with a style that I adore! And I'm going to post these interviews here ofcourse. I think it's interesting to hear about someone's style and I hope you think the same!
  • I've added some new links to my link list. For example Sea of Shoes, The Drifter and the Gypsy, The Cherry Blossom Girl, A Cat of Impossible Colour and Rebel Angel. If you don't know them (or one of them) go look out their blog!
  • I've been buying too many dresses and shirts/cardigans lately and I will be posting them in a couple of days, because I don't have them all yet. Most of them are from the site I'm having a BIG addiction to that site.
  • And for my last point. What is pretty important. I was wondering if I can improve things on my blog (except for the more posting thing). Maybe a certain subject I can write about? Tell my your ideas! I'd love to hear them.
And my pictures are finally bigger. I just couldn't figure out how to get them bigger, until my boyfriend helped me with it. What should I do without him?
And now the bigger pictures+outfit. I'm already wearing one of my new things, that I wanted to show.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Cardigan, vintage (Ilovevintage)
Dress, vintage (Ilovevintage)
Owl necklace, Ilovevintage
Tights, H&M
Ankleboots, Miss L-fire
Bow, Six
White shirt, American Vintage
And I got tagged by Yulan!
1.Go to the fourth map in your computer where you store your pictures
2.Pick the fourth picture in that folder
3.Explain the picture
4.Tag four people to do the same

I made this picture when I was in Italy last august. This house was standing in the village, where we were staying. I fell in love with the color of the house, the balcony, the plants and the doors.

I'm tagging:
Lizbeth from Honeydipped
Micaela from The Drifter and the Gyspy
Toni from Bare Peppermint Fashions
Fannah from A Fantasizer World


PR's Haute Diva said...

I could steal the shoes off your feet~ that is if they were my size!!!!! Very cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful dress!

Toni said...

i love your dress with the white cardigan. yellow is my favorite color! and thank you for tagging me! :)


Jennifer said...

the cherry blossom girl, super blog is dat! Jou haar groeit echt snel dude! en je jurkje is echt cute <3

The FourOhSeven said...

Ik ben al een tijdje op zoek naar een leuke blogger van NL bodem en ik moet zeggen, die heb ik hierbij gevonden!
Ik ben ook een ilovevintage jurken addict, ik weet niet of je kent, maar hun jurken zijn geweldig! En bij de one of a kind 'afdeling' word ik helemaal gek, ik wil het allemaal hebben, helaas de portomonee laat het niet toe ...

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

cute dress and necklace!

Lana said...

Leuke outfits en die tv heb ik ook :P.

chelsea said...

ooooo! I just adore owl necklaces! I own over 6 myself. Your's is super cute.

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

What a beautiful picture! I traveled to Italy a few years ago and fell in love with it. I can't wait to go back someday :)

Your dress is very pretty! :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Adorable outfit. I really like your dress and shoes. I'm so jealous of your hair too!

Yulan said...

Mooie outfit!

Imelda said...

Super leuke outfit!
Oh ik had je hiervoor ook getagged, maar ik ben het blijkbaar vergeten te posten op je blog :) Maar het wel een hele leuke foto, echt zomers!

Anonymous said...

Mooie outfit, dat jurkje is echt schattig!

Hele mooie foto, als ik hem zo zie, wil ik naar Italië!

Dikke kus en prettig weekend,

karl's sweet child said...

i heart this outfit!!

Anonymous said...

You have a greate style:)

Noelle Chantal said...

i really like the ankle boots! and the little black bow is sweet :)

Anna-Maria said...

your dress is so awesome !!

Nemerae said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :)
You look really pretty too!! love your hair!
That house is so nice *.*
And I've read about your studies, I'm studing Fashion Design too, but I'm in my first year :) I also love it!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

oh thank you for your comment hon!! :) smiles i had from it!
your room is sooo cute! i want to have my room on the top floor too! jealous i am! and the colour of your walls..well yellow is my fav wish i had your room even more!!
hope you are having a great weekend!!! xx LM

yiqin; said...

You are so stylish! I love the bow in your hair :)

Gedankenlos said...

i love your dress, it's so beautiful!

kulululu said...

thamk u. u are soo cute.i like so much this dress

kulululu said...

hehe , thank u.not thamk u..hehehhe...sorry

SO. said...

you are seriously too cute!!! love your style..

Strawberry Fields said...

oooo thank you! you are so lovely and have the cutest haircut ever! i have always wantedblonde hair like yours but i have a brunette mop. yay =S ace shoes xx

Raquel said...

Oh and I love your blond hair :) but i could never have mine blond I've had it red once and hate it after a while, so I guess I'll always stick to my natural black.
very cute outfit.

Parapluie said...

What a beautiful pattern of the dress!

net said...

i have that t.v. (; love your outfit!

Rosanna said...

you look adorable! love the bow on your hair :)
oh thanks for your comment in our blog!!!

muchlove said...

That cardigan looks so chic and comfy at the same time!

Eeli said...

That paisley dress is so beautiful! I have days like that where i cannot find inspiration to blog.I'm sure everyone feels the same way every now and then so don't sweat over it dear. Wonderful blog :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-what a gorgeous dress, lovely pictures my dear!

uneventriΔngle said...

wouwie echt mooi again! said...

Hi Sam,

I would like to see it in detail your shoes, looks so much stunningly. You have a super taste!

P.S.: It was possible to take a photo on a Viktor and Rolf exhibition?

big kisses: Janet

Anonymous said...

Wauw, mooie jurk & outfit!

Anja said...

Leuk outfitje!

DaisyChain said...

you are so beautiful and I love your style,
thanks for dropping by my blog.

Demi said...

thank you so much honey :)
loveeee your outfit, the dress is gorgeous!
ilovevintage sounds interesting, i'm going to check that out!!!

Julia mode said...

thanks for your coment!! :)
i love this outfit and i your air are so beautiful !! ( sorry for my english !!)

Anonymous said...

i love your photos:DD

Seeker said...

Thank you so much for visited my blog and left such nice comment.

Your blog is very cool, and I love your outfit.
The dress is so nice and lovely.

Keep in touch if you feel like it.

All the best

FashionSqueah! said...

Thanks for the comment and the advice on my lack of inspiration! I think you're right, I need to try combining things I already own in different ways. The dress and cardigan and lovely by the way! Char x

Rocío Lafuente said...

Sweat outfit. I love the dress!!

Syed said...

Love the print of your dress dear and the shoes are fantastic! I have a bit of an obsession with ww2 too actually, I have so many history books and documentaries!

Sam said...

@ PR's Haute Diva
Then I should watch my shoes I'm afraid haha! And thanks!

@ Nadine
Thank you!

@ bare.peppermint.fashions
Thanks!^^ And you're welcome =]

@ Jennifer
Dankje! En van mij mag m'n haar nog wel sneller groeien! Kan niet wachten tot het langer is

@ Che
Aah dankje! En nee, ik ken die site nog niet. Dat word dus even kijken!

@ Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka

@ Lana
Dankje en wat grappig :p

@ Dearilou
I also adore owl necklaces, but just never bought one and I'm glad I finally did!

@ Emily
Thanks! And Italy is loveble.. I wish I could go back right now..

@ The Clothes Horse
Thank you so much ^^

@ Yulan

@ Imelda
Dankjewel! =]

@ Rebecca
Dankje! En ik wil ook zo graag weer terug naar Italië

@ Karl's sweet child
Well thank you!^^

@ Choo
Thank you so much!^^

@ Noelle Chantal
Thanks! I also really like them

@ Anna-Maria

@ Nemerea
Thanks! And I agree that house is nice.. I'm still in love with it. And do you like your education?

@ LoveMore
Thank you! And since my room changed I love to be there!

@ Yigin
Thank you so much!!^^

@ Hippiegirl

@ Sweet Things
Thank you!

@ SO
Haha, thanks! But I'm trying to be not that cute x]

@ Strawberry Fields
Thank you!!

@ Raquel
Thanks^^ And your black hair is gorgeous. You should really keep it that way

@ Parapluie
Thank you!

@ Net
Haha, thanks :p

@ Rosanna
Thanks! =]

@ Muchlove
It is really comfy, yeah!

@ Eelie
It's actually a floral dress, but thank you!^^

@ Sharon Rose
Thank you so much!^^

@ Dream on

@ Janettaylor
Thank you! And yes, it was possible to take pictures there, but without a flash

@ Iris

@ Anja

@ DaisyChain
Thank you so much!=]

@ Demi
You're welcome dear! And thank you! Ilovevintage certainly is intersting. They really have beautiful clothes

@ Julia
Thank you so much! And as long as I can understand you, there's no problem!

@ Isa
Thank you!^^

@ The Seeker
Thank you so much also! And I would love to keep in touch

@ FashionSquah
Thank you and you're welcome! Just combine and I hope you get some new outfits!

@ Aless & Rocio
Thank you!!

@ Dapper kid
Thanks! And I agree, my shoes are fantastic haha.