Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saying I love you, is just as easy as saying 1, 2, 3, 4

I really want to say thank you all for all the sweet comments! I can't believe how many I got on my last outfit post! When I saw the number, my mouth fell open. Really! Thank you all for the sweet comments! And I was also a bit suprised that so many of you also read a lot! Good to hear that! And I just realize that I used an exclamationpoint in every sentence. Oh well.

But today boyfriend was here. We watched some episodes from Sex and the City season 2. And he even liked it! So I think we will watch it more often haha. And I just bought season 1 from That 70's Show. Really, that show is brilliant! Going to watch that when I'm done with this post. Boyfriend also took my pictures for today. We went to a little playground, where a lot of people passed. They all looked at us. So funny and a bit awkward, though. But he made a lot of good pictures. Can't post all of them, because that will be too much. I also wore my dress today, that I ordered from I love it so much! It gives a bit of a 'Alice in Wonderland' feel. Maybe the modern version of it?

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Dress, vintage (Ilovevintage)
Cardigan, H&M
Necklace, H&M
Ring, antique (was from my great-grandmother)
Tights, H&M
Headband, Bijou Brigitte
Patent t-straps, little store in the neighboorhood
Dog, Odie


Andrea Eames said...

Odie is so cute! And I love your dress, that collar is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

omg what a cute dog! *-*

chelsea said...

Man, I wish my fiance was as supportive as your boyfriend. I can be standing there, completely read to have my picture taken, camera in hand and he still refuses.
Though at least my guy likes Sex and the City. He will put it in without any prompting at all.

Athena. said...

your blog is so amazing!
I absolutely adore your style and clothes :)

Miss D the Teacher said...

This is very Alice! I like it. And I just love your hair too!

Alice X said...

addorable picture, i adore your dress, you look soo much like alice in wonderland today, haha:)

Kathryn said...

love your entire outfit! and that ring is beautiful :)

Nia said...


Julia said...

Oh Sam give me that dress!

Strawberry Fields said...

absolutely gorgeous outfits, i love that dress. so adorable on you. the antique ring really sets the mood and Odie is so cute! love it as always

i sometimes catch my dad reading my fashion magazines and my brother sometimes watches ugly betty with me =D men these days =P xxx

Yulan said...

supergave outfit!

Raquel said...

honey it's good to have the boyfriend around :)
and I love what you wore, the dress, the shoes, the coat and the necklace

beckylou said...

geweldig schattig kleedje!

Maria said...

I really love all the pictures!! you're looking very good, I love your coat, and your hair is so beautiful! Have a nice weekend, greetings!

Fannah said...

i love your dress!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Je outfit en foto's zijn erg mooi!
Je jurkje is echt schattig

xx Rebecca

jennifer said...

My boyfriend likes Sex and the City too! So good. You do look Alice In Wonderland-esque :) lovely x

Baybay Mama said...

you remind me of that designer ellen feather (something). I forget her last name. She's is beautiful.

Demi said...

thank you so much honey :)
I too am trying to eat healthy and exercise, but it isn't go well so far! I really need to start doing it haha!

you look amazing! such beautiful photos and your outfit is just perfect!
you deserve all of the lovely comments on your last outfit post!

and your boyfriend sounds very sweet!


Anonymous said...

I love your dress and the coat is also really cute :).

Julia mode said...

Love these photos and the dog :)!!!
so fab =)


Mimi said...

Love the coat and shoes.Your dog is such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

what a pretty dress!
you kind of remind me of alice in wonderland:)
to the bread:it looks strange but it tastes good hehe:)

Gedankenlos said...

that dress is soooo cute :)

Naomi said...

I think I have that coat in blue :)
love the dress

Q's Daydream said...

love, love, love that dress darlin'! :o)

Lexie said...

i love this look! you have great taste in jewelry!

Chevy Mae Duque said...

awesome pics!

S* said...

love the pictures and the dress! and I love the shoes on your 69 COMMENTS! post!! Congrats!!

And i love so much your style i've added you to my bloglovin blogs


Toni said...

i love everything you're wearing! that dress is adorable. i think if they make another live action alice in wonderland, you should be cast as alice! :)

Anonymous said...

that dress is so gorgeous. and you're right-it does have an alice in wonderland-y look and come to think of it, you kind of look like-to me at least-a modern alice. hope you are having a lovely weekend, my dear.

Francesca Tan said...

Thanks for your comment in my blog! Anyhow you loook great! And im loving your ring so much. The moment i saw it i was like 'man i need to own that too' hahaha oh and odie is a such a sweetheart <3

Sharon said...

Hi there-wow, lovely pictures and a really cute dress!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as always hun! Is that denim?

I'm glad your BF enjoyed SATC. Mine does too and he has no problem with it. High five for fantastic boys!

Sasi said...

I love your ring, and the location you chose.

Parapluie said...

Great outfit, I love your dress. Alice clearly would love it! :)
Oh, by the way, may I add you to my links?


Dankje voor het email adres ik ga de vragen gelijk naar je toe sturen.Maar ik heb je reactie wel even verwijderd van ijn blog in verband met het email adres dat je het weet!
ps: je email adres is wel leuk hoor maar geen email adres dat ik bij je verwacht had hahha!

RocĂ­o Lafuente said...

Nice photos!!! I love you coat and your dog is so lovely!!

Emy Augustus said...

I lurveee that blue alice inspired dress! goes very well with ur pale hair.

ok so i gave u an award on my blog. ch-ch-check it.

MeganElisabeth said...

i really like that dress, i've been looking everywhere for a dress like that, lucky.
and such a cute little dog!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

I love the dress! It does have an Alice in Wonderland feel to it :)

I like to watch That 70s Show too. Re-runs are on several times a day over here!

Your little Odie is so cute! I also wanted to thank you for your very sweet comment the other day regarding the passing of my dog.

Nai said...

so sweet photos! i love ur hair (and ur dog!) haha. have a nice day :)

Ruxandra said...

I love your shoes:)they are so amazing!!!And the dress is pretty cute too.Nice dog:D