Oh men, my memory is SO BAD! I still have to do some tags and I got an award (thank you all so much who gave the tags and award to me (more details further on this post)). I'm trying to put everything down here right now and if I forgot an award or tag, please tell me about it! If it was possible, I would forget my own head every morning. Really have to write down stuff...
But now the first tag! I got it from
Four places I go to over and over:
School, my dads place,
Ilovevintage and the shoe department from the Bijenkorf
Four people who email me on a regular base:
Boyfriend, the dad, I email myself a lot because of schoolwork I make at school and friends
Four favorite smells:
Flowerbomb(!!!!!!!!!) by Viktor & Rolf, roses, my shampoo and the smell of new shoes
Four places I'd rather be right now:
New York, London, Iseo and with my mom who's lying at the hospital right now (nothing serious, just till tomorrow, but I miss her already)
Four tv shows I watch:
(this isn't a hard one!) Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, Ugly Betty and Little house on the prairie
Four people I tag:
Whoever wants to do this tag!
And now the second tag! I got this one from
Demi. Thank you to keep me from boredom!
Describe your personal style.
A mix of sweet vintage dresses, skirts and blouses with new high heels.
What are the staples in your wardrobe?
I have at the moment not really staples. All my dresses, cardigans, favorite shirts and skirts are hanging at my clothesrack. The rest of my shirts were lying on a shelf, but that's gone, so they're now lying in a big blue Ikea bag. Still have to find some space for them.
What's your signature look?
Dresses or a blouse with a skirt, a pair of tights (mostly black, but sometimes an other color) with high heels.
What inspires you?
My own clothes. I just have to look at a dress for example and I just see the whole outfit in front of me. And ofcourse fashionblogs! There a too much to say. Really. But they're all in my link list!
Who is your fashion muse?
Oh dear... That's a hard one. Even though I really love the style of Zoey Deschanel (I hope I write it correct)
Favorite purchase of all time?
This vintage dress, I got at Ilovevintage.nl
Biggest splurge?
These Miu Miu pumps, I got last december
What's your beauty routine?
First I wash my face, then I put up (sometimes) my eyeshadow from Estee Lauder, then my eyeliner from mostly Dior and the Diorshow mascara. And ofcourse! Also white powder, because I hate me red cheeks. The white powder is also from Dior (yes, dior make up addict)
What jewellery do you never take off?
My necklace I got from boyfriend, in august I believe.

What are you wishing for?
I'm graving for a pair Chloé, Viktor & Rolf and Balanciaga heels! I almost love always all of their shoes.
What are your obsessions?
High, high heels, tights, bows, floral patterns, dresses, Ilovevintage, Peter Rabbit, my dog Odie, antique furniture, dvd's, scarfs and vintage/antique jewellery
And yet again, I'm tagging no one! If you haven't done this tag yet, feel free to do it.

The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are fabulous.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Here are bloggers I'm passing this award to!
1. Parapluie
2. Becky lou
3. Q's Daydream
4. Micaela
5. Emily
6. Dearilou
7. Alice
8. Raquel
9. Chevy Mae
10. Megan Elisabeth
I'm sorry for the ones who didn't get an award (there are also some who already got one from me!), but I can't pick everyone sadly. But enough writing and forgetting. Here's my outfit! And to stay in the 'I-forget-everything-subject', this outfit is an outfit from 2 months ago already. Oops.

Dress, H&M
Cardigan, Gsus
Headband, gift
Pearlnecklace, gift
Tights, Steps
Ankleboots, Dior
Hello! I have also such a bad memory! some people call me 'Dori', from 'Searching for Mnemo' movie, you know, haha!! I love that outfit, and I love the way you curled your hair! and I love the boots, have a nice night, greetings!
you look fantastic, those boots are stunning
Dankje voor de award! Ik geloof dat het de eerste is die ik ooit gekregen heb :D (maar ik ben nogal verstrooid en helemaal zeker ben ik dus niet)
moet ik nog zeggen dat ik je outfit weer helemaal geweldig vind, niet echt een verrassing, je ziet er altijd zo leuk uit!
You deserve every award you receive, Sam! :) Thank you for passing this one on to me.
Your hair, hun! You remind me of my first ever porcelain doll. I called her Fatima. haha! Congrats on the award. And your miu miu shoes make me green with envy.
hey there
cute pumps at the top!
love it
Oh how I love your style! ;)
Mooie outfit, die panty is echt mooi!
Je krullen zijn super schattig!
xx Rebecca
En natuurlijk nog gefeliciteerd met je awards, je hebt ze verdiend!
Mijn hoofd zit er ook niet bij de laatste tijd, haha.
Wow, I'm in love with those heels. You're so cute :) ...
Much Love,
You look awesome with that red bow in your hair! Perfect!
thank you for the award honey! I loved to read this about you. and the outfit is so lovely, the hair, bow and the pearls are amazing, well the rest too :)
i love those color tights! so festive.
shoes are our friends just love the bot and the outfit. check out my blog http://fashionaddress.blogspot.com/
I love your hair (L)!
the dior ankle boots are simply amazing!
and I love your outfit and the answers to the questions :)
enjoy the rest of your week honey!
♥ i realy love your style and sooo nice shoes=) but why you can be a student with 17!?
Nice to know about you and you look fab in both outfits.
I really like your hair.
Super leuk!!
Wil je miss.. keer op mijn blog kijken?
Onze kuikentjes zijn super lief en ik denk dat je ze
wel wil zien!
My memory is terrible!
I love your ankle boots, a lot.
simply stunning! i may do the second tag, looks rather cool. thank you darling xx
I just love love your style. Your blog is like my dayly inspiration source. I think I even have copied some of your outfits, hehe.
your so cute Sam ^_^
the room looks so cute
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